How do I emotionally survive my 4 mo’s shots?


New member
My 4 month old has her 4 month pediatrician appointment on Friday, and I’m already dreading the vaccines. When she received her shots at the 2 month appointment, she wailed like I’ve never seen her wail, and it automatically made me cry. I did my best to stay calm so I could calm her, but it emotionally wrecked me to see her go from a being a happy baby to a baby that looked like she had been betrayed by everyone around her. Even my typically tough husband is dreading the shots and very unhelpfully said, “I hope the experience doesn’t change her from being such a happy, smiley baby.”

How do you all deal with the shots and the way your baby reacts? How do you keep yourself from dreading these appointments so much? Is my baby going to hate me for putting her through this? (I know she’s not, I just want some reassurance please)
@davidschmitt My baby's reaction was less severe each time so hopefully you'll find the same. Literally got 2 pokes just today for 6mo. and after the initial scream, was smiling at the nurse- not even one tear. We just have a bottle ready in case and immediately go in for the cuddles once they're finished. Listen to your own ped , but we were told Tylenol after if needed, not before, and no Motrin before 6mo. You'll be fine and your baby will be back to normal in no time. You got this!
@woodgood Same-my baby’s reaction was less severe each time, so hopefully it’ll get better for yours too! This last time-he’s 6 months-the nurse gave him a sticker right after and he’s never held a sticker before so it immediately distracted him.

I also felt awful because my son almost never wails like he does while getting his shots, but i remind myself that I’m doing the right thing by looking out for his health. I think of it as practice for making decisions to protect your child as they grow up that they hate, but you know are the right thing for them!
@woodgood Mine has been all over the place. Two month vaccines upset him. Four month he didn’t seem to mind. Six month he cried for a couple minutes and gave the MA an amazingly hilarious glare. Flu shot he barely reacted. Didn’t cry at all, barely flinched. One year shots made him really unhappy, but that was the first time he’d ever gotten any in his arm.
@davidschmitt It will be okay. No one likes to hear their child scream in pain, it sucks.

The easiest way is to just know it's a few moments of pain for a lifetime of protection and I feel it has made the appointments a lot easier to stay calm and just comfort after the fact.
@davidschmitt I mean, I just focused on why vaccination even exists … I’m extremely grateful for it, prior to vaccination millions of mothers had to hold their babies in their arms and watch them die of disease.

Those poor mothers would’ve done anything for the opportunity to vaccinate.

I have two kids who are now toddlers, so plenty of vaccinations between them. Each shot was tears for seconds or a minute or two at most, it was not a big deal at all.
@love21 Yep, that's my focus as well. Generally I don't like to hear the kid crying desperately, but for vaccines and being strapped in the car seat (he hates it) we'll both endure.
@love21 Yeah. Last shots baby got at 15 months. Wailed for 1 minute and then got distracted and we all went on with our lives. Feels like a blip in our lives at this point. I would say it was a lot worse when baby chipped her teeth and we had to go to the dentist at 13 months. I had to hold her down in the chair and she was crying so much. That was so distressing for me to do even though I understand it was also completely necessary.
@davidschmitt My son wound up and wailed because we whisper-gasped When Tyler Bass missed that field goal. You would have thought we hurt him. He’s also a very happy baby and I was even holding him when it happened! We just scared him. Babies cry for so many reasons. Just comfort her when she gets the shots and tell her it’ll all be okay and she did so well - because it’s true! You’ve got this
@davidschmitt I cried at his 2 month vaccines but 4month he was a lot better. Take some bubble mix if you can? The nurse at my doctors blew bubbles after his shot and he was easily distracted. Or blowing on his face or boob (if BF) should help.
@cowgirlk That's a great idea. My advice is also simply immediate distraction: something that makes a new noise like a big rattle, something with a strong taste like a raspberry, a boob or bottle of milk, some high value toys that magically appears, a cold washclothes to play with - just anything that distracts the senses.
@cowgirlk We brought light up toys for my daughter to be distracted by after the shots. Yes she cried but it was so much less than after her 2 months shots. Just keep her mind off it and you’ll be fine! as far as fever or anything she was fine. And slept great. I’ve been making later in the day appts for vaccines so by the time we get home it’s time for her bottle then bed. I think that helps too
@davidschmitt She will be fine. In all honestly, the one with more emotional pain over this will be you. My 18 month old has had all her mandated shots. She still screams and cries at all of them. The only time she didn’t cry was when we went to her pd for the shot - but because of the way the system is, the pd’s shots aren’t free so we didnt go back for further shots. Her pd was really good at distracting her and she didn’t even notice the needle go in and out.

My tip would be: if you cannot bear to hear your kid cry over this, get your husband to sit with her and you wait outside.