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@zofran My little one was born 3 months early. I wanted so so badly to be able to breastfeed him and felt like a failure because I couldn't. So I know what you mean with the emotional struggle. I exclusively pumped and he was tube fed until he was old enough to start trying bottles. It was a HUGE relief when he had to be switched to a thickened formula because I was so over the constant pumping and getting just barely enough for his feeding. My supply was dwindling and I knew I wasn't going to be able to keep up, I was desperate. Being told that he couldn't take my milk by mouth and needed the formula made me feel 1000% less guilty about quitting even though I knew that I would have quit at the same time anyways, so I had an out. It has been the best decision for both of us. I got so much time back not being tied to the pump 24/7 and he has gained weight so beautifully, he is almost the same size as full term babies his age. In the end I realized that I had to do what was best for my baby. You hear so much of this breast is best nonsense and it's discouraging. Breast is not best for so so many babies and moms. Fed is best and you'll have a happier healthier baby and mom all around. You've recognized that the journey you hoped for and expected isn't necessarily the best option for the two of you and that is 100% ok. A healthy, sane mom is what is best for that little one.