@davidschmitt Hugs to you, vaccinations were and still are VERY difficult for me emotionally, even though I am pro vax and want my child to be as protected as possible from illness. Something that helps me a little is keeping in mind that you are your child's safe space, and you will be there for them, no matter how scary that moment might be. And it will be a quick moment with one or two pokes, versus hospitalization and much more suffering from the actual disease.
I struggled with vaccines so much, especially when my baby was a newborn, that the nurses asked if I wanted to leave the room so I didn't have to watch. I refused and realized that as hard as it was, I wanted to be there so my baby wouldn't have to be alone with people he didn't know, and I'd be there for him to cry and regulate his emotions with, during and after. It's so hard to be strong for them sometimes though. All of this is easier said than done!
I'm hoping as my child gets older, it gets easier, but for now it's understandably still pretty scary and difficult each time. Also, when your baby is older, pretend play and watching episodes of kids shows with doctors and vaccines has helped us a little with doctor trips. It's still a work in progress, but I think they'll understand more and be able to be calmer with time. I know that doesn't help much right now, just something to keep in mind for later, if you will.