How do I emotionally survive my 4 mo’s shots?

@davidschmitt For me, my baby's 4 months shots were way worse than her 2 months shots. She cried harder than I've ever heard her cry. She fell asleep after 15 minutes of comfort but then was pretty fussy for the next 2 days. Lots of contact naps and time spent in her rocking chair. It's so hard to see your baby in pain but take comfort in the facts that they will not remember it and it's short term pain for long term protection. For her next appointment, I'm just going to prepare myself to give her lots of comfort after ❤️
@davidschmitt The 2 months shots were soooo sad. He was so upset and it was so hard hearing him like that. He's now almost 9 months and every other vaccine appointment has been a breeze. He has gotten a little pouty face and then has been immediately distracted with minimal, if any crying. We were so ready for the next ones to be bad but they have not!