@pjnovak I feel you! I was thinking the same during my first month. I almost gave up giving the breast altogether at week 5. I realised we took shifts and tanked my supply as well... so... We triple fed for a long time, and the best advice I received here in this sub.
What worked for me:
- eat more protein, drink coconut water and salted water with lemon juice for the taste (or a sports drink)
- when I say eat more protein, I mean eat much more protein lol! I can see the difference when I forget to or cannot eat meat. I cannot stress this enough.
- Breastfeeding equals 2x 2h workouts a day so on average I need one more full meal (500cal) per day.
- in terms of pumping: use a manual pump. Put baby on breast 1 with a suction collector cup on breast 2, change them, then put baby on breast 2 and with the other hand pump manually on breast 1. Next feed start baby on breast 2, etc. I use the medela manual pump. You might need a flange adjustment if your nipple is smaller than the standard 24mm.
- give yourself a break. My husband had to remind me each time we gave him a formula bottle that we are still giving him breastmilk and that is what matters. I cried a lot because i felt like a failure, but my husband was there. At some point, it clicked. We did our best. I give the breast amap, the rest is up to baby. As long as he's fed! Combo feeding is fine!