How do I emotionally survive my 4 mo’s shots?

@davidschmitt I didn’t put much thought into it. We all have had vaccines shots and the needle doesn’t even hurt. So your baby was just being extra dramatic …lol

With me knowing it does not hurt (severe pain) I am cool with them being extra dramatic…lol
@davidschmitt Vaccines are a necessity. You are not subjecting your baby to torture, you are helping it not die from a gust of wind. Babies cry, that's what they do, get over it. They'll forget about it the minute you walk out the door.
@davidschmitt Jeez get it together, please, for the sake of your child. Bring a bottle and a pacifier. She will have forgotten the ordeal by the time you leave the building. You have to solidify in your mind that her crying and physical pain is a normal part of the vaccination process, and not a signal that there is something seriously wrong. So react accordingly. Save your worries for sometime in the future when there may actually be something wrong that needs to be addressed.
@cayte I’ve got it together, thanks. You don’t need to worry about the sake of my child - I feel empathy for her while she goes through something new and a little painful and a little scary, but I obviously don’t break down hysterically in front of her and she will get every single one of her shots right on time no matter my internal discomfort. Was just looking for some support around something that I think many parents feel during shots.
@davidschmitt My baby just got his 4 month shots. It was a literal nonevent. He let out one single cry between shots ( he got one in each thigh) and was done by the time the doctor picked up the bandaid. It’s not a big deal. The pain lasts .3 seconds literally. Does your baby not cry every day anyway? How is this different? If anything, he was in a better than usual mood the next day if I think about it. It’s a one minute ordeal don’t blow it out of proportion.
@fruitfulspirit No, my baby does not cry every day like she cries after her shots, and it lasts way longer than one single cry. There’s a huge difference. We did the 4 month shots today and she absolutely wailed which she never does at any other time, but it’s fine. We got through it, and I supported my baby. I was just looking for support on a moment that I think other parents struggle with as well. If you don’t struggle with it and your baby takes shots super well, I’m happy for you.
@davidschmitt It is what it is man... They need the shots, and its only for a second. You're an adult, shes a baby, babies cry when they feel pain or even just hearing a new sound they dont like. Shes going to be okay, I suggest some motrin an hour before the Appointment just to ( MAYBE ) ease the pain. And i can also suggest to show your baby heybear on your phone to distract her. Either then that, just wait till you gotta hold her down on the table with your spouse and the doctor trying to inject lmfao funniest shit ever tbh
@needaccountability I don’t see how holding your child down for vaccinations or any forced medical procedure in general is funny. I surely don’t find joy in my child feeling scared and hopeless? This was a comment made in poor taste. I really hope you don’t giggle when your child is met with what they perceive as danger.

Edit: “Forced medical procedure” meaning anything being forcefully done for the benefit of them. Dental cleanings, sutures, x-rays, bloodwork, etc. If that’s why I’m getting downvoted.
@olvis I don't understand why you're getting down voted. Just wanted to say that I agree with you, you're not alone here! The comment you are referring to concerned me as well. It was worth asking for clarification at least.
@olvis Its called reality, kids need to be vaccinated from disease. Except for the moron parents that wont vaccinate a single child and let dieses like measles and so on come back, Don't come at me and tell me how i feel or think. Kids are scared of everything, you just have to teach them what to be scared of and not to be scared of, My now 7 year old, Takes needles like a champ without even a flinch, dont @ me

OH and he does not hate me either lol
@needaccountability I never questioned your choices on vaccinations. I never told you how to think or feel. I just found it very upsetting that in your child’s most vulnerable moments you find humor in them. Getting held down for anything, regardless of medical necessity, is scary for a little one. I would feel devastated if my mom laughed at me in those moments. But that’s just me I guess, I see the downvotes I’m getting so I guess others must agree with you on that. It’s a sad thing to see. Instead of laughing, assuring them that they are okay would be more of a go to.
@olvis I agree with you!! Why on Earth would any parent want to become their child’s first bully? Reminds me of the egg forehead cracking challenge that went around on SM a few months ago. Some parents are vile.
@needaccountability I’m not a Karen.. I just genuinely was taken aback by that comment. Saying that seeing your child terrified and in pain is “the funniest shit ever” made me very sad for them. I guess we have different views on humor.
@olvis obviously at the time... we weren't sitting there laughing at the kid... my god lol... but looking back it was funny, sorry if im a little dark, but man... it was hilarious, I gave some decent enough advice in my answer ontop of a little dark laugh.... commmon