How DH “does the laundry”

@wanttobefollower Nope! If you have a front loader with the little pull out thing to put your stuff into it releases it in a way that doesn't "bleach" your clothes. Look at the label of your shirt- I bet it says something like non-chlorine bleach when needed.
@faithwalker007 Yeah, I'm the same way. All of my clothes and the kids' clothes go in the same loads. I actually use the washer as a dirty laundry hamper, and once it's got a full load in it I start it. My partner washes his clothes separately, but that's because he's a mason so his clothes are dusty af.

I also end up rewashing clothes that I've left wet in the washer for too long. I think my record is washing the same load four times in a row haha.

I don't have a lot of "nice" clothes. My wardrobe is a fairly even split of t-shirts, jeans, hoodies, and tights. My hoodies aren't going to be harmed by washing with my kid's pjs, and my Walmart sports bras aren't going to be damaged by mingling with my toddler's sweats. I guess it would be different if I had like silk blouses or something, but that's definitely not me.

My mom has a heart attack whenever she sees me do laundry. "You're putting your kitchen towels in with your pants?!?!" Ma, what do you imagine happens in there? My jeans and towels aren't members of opposing gangs, they're isn't going to be a war because they're in the same enclosed space.
@theflower I love this! I used to be that way until one of my children once hid poop undies in the pile of laundry without having anyone properly deal with it, and a super full load of everyone’s laundry came out smelling of poo and there was an actual turd in the bottom of the washing machine.

I’ll be sure to tip his future spouse off about this possibility. 🤢
@elle9406 My husband can't remember to do the laundry and I can't bring myself to fold it. So over the years it's become a mix of I sort, wash and dry and he folds if only we could figure out how it gets put away!😜🤣
@elle9406 Mine usually completes steps one and two and then gets distracted so the dirty clothes just sit in the washing machine indefinitely until I notice. He will manage to complete steps three and four if it's something of his. And yes I do mean something not somethings. He will throw on a wash of one thing he wants cleaned and then leave it sit wet in the washing machine until a) I remove it or b) it needs to be rewashed.
@cal41 Oh my god. Mine does this too. There will be pile(s) of clothes in the washroom and he'll throw a jacket in the wash. A jacket. Whhhhhhyyyyy?

"I just needed it real quick"

Shit like that makes me feel like I'm going to have a stroke.
@elle9406 I stopped doing my husband’s laundry. I do the kids and my own when I remember that I too deserve clean clothes. Miracles occurred - he now does his own laundry and he’s started doing the kids too. A year from now, he might learn how to put it all away correctly.
@elle9406 Wow are you me?? You forgot step 4) where DH leaves the clothes in the washer for a day then puts them in the dryer thinking mildew is an acceptable smell for clothing, then when questioned says "but I can't smell mildew I've never been able to it's not my fault"
@elle9406 One time I asked my husband to put the clothes in the dryer so what did he do? This is going to make you all super stabby. He picked up a DIRTY (and dry!) pile of clothes that was waiting for the washer, and put THOSE in the dryer. What. The. Fuck!
@godisgood22 Hahaha good point! Idk who was more annoyed though- me for him doing it, or him for how much bitching I did about it. So maybe next time he will think?
@elle9406 Man Dictionary
1 Did the laundry, this means they loaded the washer.
2 Cleaned the kitchen, this means they loaded the dishwasher and maybe started it if they're feeling extra useful.
3 Watched the kids, this mean they kept them alive while iPhone browsing.
@elle9406 I am your husband. No sorting of any sort. If there is sorting it only goes as far as: Adult Clothes and Children Clothes. Everything goes in and I put in a pod and I start it and I will come back if and when I remember they are there.