How DH “does the laundry”

@elle9406 Seriously! I just have to stop and wonder If he only knew how he makes shit around here 10 times harder sometimes. Love the man Hes just a buffoon. 😂
@worthy That has been me. I don't know what happens to me in the time between loading the dryer and walking away but I'll come back the next day like "why the hell are these clothes damp and smelly? DID I FORGET TO TURN THE DRYER ON?!"
@elle9406 My husband ran out of t-shirts because, ya know, I'm busy, so he put 5 t-shirts in the washer. Just his 5 shirts. Nothing else. No kids pants or hoodies. 5 shirts and called it a load.

Never did take it out of the washer though which is how I know he did a load of only 5 shirts.
@geneva1599 Naturally.

But I applaud you for dropping the man laundry. If my husband didn’t occasionally cook for us, his days of the laundry wench would be looooong over. That said, is it nit-picking if I ask him to not start laundry he has no intention of ever finishing? That’s what’s killing me here. 😂

In any case, good for you girl. Be free!
@geneva1599 I had to fish candy wrappers out of the washer. Announced to the family that if I had to do it again, the culprit would be doing their own laundry.

Happened the next time I washed clothes. Hubs threw a small fit and claimed that I did warn him. Reminded him and walked away. I won’t even transfer his clothes from washer to dryer unless he’s sick.
@lil_sisa We don't have a dishwasher, but mine will be all proud telling me they "cleaned out the fridge". You know what that actually means though, right? That he just stacked a bunch of old food containers - still with old food in them - next to the sink. Like, this is not helpful, this is the opposite of helpful.
@everlastingsign I totally have to sort at least the towels, sheets and clothes from each other. Otherwise stuff gets stuck in the sheets and doesn't get cleaned properly or towels get little fuzzies all over our clothes. Most of our clothes are black so it shows up real well.
@denise11 This is about all we do, and I say we, because kudos to my husband - he does 98% of the laundry around here. I do all the cooking and a plethora of other stuff, but rarely the laundry. He actually likes it and finds it relaxing. Freak.
@denise11 This is about all we do, and I say we, because kudos to my husband - he does 98% of the laundry around here. I do all the cooking and a plethora of other stuff, but rarely the laundry. He actually likes it and finds it relaxing. Freak.

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