How DH “does the laundry”

@everlastingsign I never sorted more than towels from clothes 1. because my laundry is just loads of darks/black clothes and b. I have OLTS (Occasional lazy tendency syndrome). Then kiddo came along with his sensitive skin. And while it's still not sorting in the "traditional" sense, I have to wash his clothes, all the towels and his bedding with the everything free detergent and mine with regular smell good stuff.

When I lived by myself, I used my washer as a laundry basket. I'd just strip down in front of it before showers, when changing clothes, etc. and ran it when it was full. Throw whatever could go in the dryer until needed - occasionally "ironing" when necessary - towels/misc. on the weekend. be young and live alone again!
@elle9406 Lmao omg yesssss, my husband is the fucking worst. I posted the other day and described this too.

He gets random specific clothes of his and washes them and puts either specific things or the whole load in the dryer, and if there was already stuff in there he leaves them strewn on the mud room floor (we walk through there as we mainly use our back door). He seems to think things wash AND dry faster with a smaller load. Which is NOT the reality at all. We don’t have a “quick wash” setting, just regular, the only thing is does is auto sense the weight of the clothes to determine how much water to use. And the less clothes are in the dryer, they take longer because they don’t tumble as much.

The other day, I got the laundry prepped in the washer so that when he woke up, all he would have to do it turn it on. I avoided starting it myself because he bitches because the washer screams when it’s filling, no clue why. Well when I texted him from babysitting, he said he took all my and our daughters’ clothes out and that he was doing a load and he would do ours after. Which he didn’t fucking do, so I got to do it in the evening when I got home.

It’s so fucking stupid I’m gonna put him in the dryer.
@elle9406 I am literally your husband. Ive gotten better with adhd meds, and it doesnt help that our washer is SUPER sensitive to be out of balance....

I also rewash clothes i forgot in the washer... a lot.
@tnelis Bless you 😍 I have to go get some more laundry detergent tonight and was just going to do a vinegar rinse before rewashing the sheets I washed on Saturday. Totally adding oxiclean to my shopping list. Five kids and unmedicated ADHD makes laundry hard lol
@tnelis OMG I KNOW! I LOVE THE PURPLE ONE! Also Hex detergent and laundry sanitizer works wonders! I add oxy, hex, lysol, and my regular detergent. Nothing smells bad if i miss a load for a few days!
@wanttobefollower Because it REALLY works and you need so little. My husband works as a mechanic now at his own shop. So you know... sweaty man clothes. I used to have an issue of my clothes REAKING of ballsack if my clothes were DRIED with his. Even if his were already dried and I threw a shirt in there of mine real quick. Hex actually stops that. Something something enzymes lol.
@faithwalker007 i haven't tried that brand specifically but i've wondered if it's possible for that smell to linger through laundry detergent as well as sticking to tile, because our little shit (regrettably no photo available) will literally trot her happy ass out to the backyard, poke around for 10 minutes, then come back inside and pee on the floor somewhere. we got some "out!" brand stuff from walmart but it doesn't seem to be working.
@tnelis Or bleach. ADHD here as well and it's now just part of the process. If you have a front loader with one of those pull out things to put soap into bleach is just part of the gang.