How DH “does the laundry”


New member
1.) grabs a random pile of clothing (whites, colors,
delicates, towels, muddy socks, wool sweaters, whatever) and crams as much of it as humanly possible into the washer
2.) adds tide pod
3.) starts washer

And... That’s f**king it. He has done the laundry.

1.) sorts the clothes a bit so they don’t get totally destroyed
2.) puts reasonable number of items into washer
3.) adds tide pod
4.) starts washer
5.) waits for washer to finish while working, paying bills, making appointments, etc.
6.) takes wet clothing OUT of washer & puts into dryer
7.) waits for dryer to finish while emptying cat box, sweeping, mopping, making lunches, etc.
8.) takes dry clothing OUT OF DRYER
9.) FOLDS all clothing into piles for myself, DH, & DS
10.) matches ALL 1000 socks except the 2-3 that disappear every single time (?)
11.) brings piles to respective rooms
12.) puts my clothing away
13.) waits 4-5 days thinking DS and DH might at least take a minute to PUT THEIR OWN GODDAMN CLOTHING AWAY
14.) puts their shit away so as not to be “a nag”

Tomorrow, I think I’ll “change the oil” in the car by draining it into the pan and just walking away, because I’m totally that bitch. 🤡
@elle9406 I laughed so hard at that last part! (And really, really wanna do that to my husband now lol)

My husband is usually at least good about getting laundry all the way to dry, but never folds or puts away (not that I've ever been super quick to do that part).

For my husband it's "I cleaned the house." What this actually means is he picked up all the trash and clutter. No sweeping, no mopping, dishes might be stacked and ready to go in the dishwasher but definitely never made it that far, etc. Or he "put dinner away." Which actually means he either put it in the fridge still in the pans, or he put it in bowls with no lids and it's going to be too dried out to reheat into anything remotely edible.
@sekigun Putting the food away still in the pans is such a peeve of mine. Now I can’t use that pan until that food is gone and it’s taking up a huge space in the fridge. Thanks for that. Really.
@rob85262 My husband likes to put his dinner leftovers on a dinner plate in the fridge. No cover or Saran Wrap or anything. It drives me fucking bonkers and takes up so much space. Then when he reheats it in the microwave he doesn’t put a paper towel sheet over the plate so there’s always food spatters everywhere and he overheats the shit out of it. GARRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
@sekigun That's his lunch tomorrow. He gets the dried out leftovers until he learns to put the lids on... But... But...
"Oh, I thought you specifically left the lid off because you like your leftovers this way."
@jameszz A completely different definition of lots of fucking things! For example mom gets kid ready for school : makes lunch packed nicely, gets kid out of bed makes breakfast, Washed face brush teeth combs hair, ears, trims nails, clean clothes, checks backpack. Dad gets kid ready for school: put these pants on
@zoex Yep. I've opened my dryer to wet soaking clothes because he "forgot to turn it on" like... you took the time to do the hard part of transferring it but you just couldn't press the damn button????
@worthy Oh yes, that happens here too. Almost as often as opening a disgusting full dishwasher, soap tablet still intact, loaded by someone who "swears they ran it last night".