Hi y’all, is anyone one and done due to health? I’m falling apart postpartum

@laurencesantos Have not. I was followed closely by my docs because I had to go back into the hospital less than 24 hours after being discharged with my son. My left side of m pelvis is actually 2mm higher than the right, and many doctors think this is the cause of my pelvis issue
@laurencesantos Yeah it sucks. Whatever, my boy is with me and I’m not putting myself through it again. Going back to the gym has boosted my confidence tremendously so I’m in a better spot mentally and physically now. ALSO finally having me time and feeling like myself is another reason to not have another
@laurencesantos I have an advanced version of hEDS along with other health conditions, and because of that, I am fully one and done. I know I could not handle or be as good of a mom to two kids as I can be to my one son.
@laurencesantos I have Maythurners syndrome where the artery in my left leg presses down on the vein and makes me a high risk for DVT. I had a major one in my late twenties which is how I was diagnosed. I had to be on injections of a blood thinners throughout my pregnancy and it was not fun. I also suffered from severe PPA that combined with the pandemic was not a fun time. I am about to turn 40 and having a second child is not worth risking my life and my sanity.