Help. I don't know what to do..

@fluxie I gotcha and I was just was asking cause I enjoy hunting up there in the Great State of Wyoming. I have a shit ton of points as well. The catch and release on fishing depends on the fish. Lol but its cool in my personal opinion that you are open minded about it ‘Hunting’ kudos for that btw.
@fluxie Yikes. Possessive men are red flags trust me. I was married to a possessive man overtime that possessiveness turned into “ownership” and domestic violence. He would also neglect our daughter for me. Which was insane because I never asked him to he just would hyperfocus on me. Please cut things off asap or you will deeply regret this later. Do not introduce your kids to him.
@samuelpautu I would agree with you, however. There is a difference between a decent person and somebody who shows signs Of stalking and Manipulation period. You see if If it was just him coming on too strong, I would've just called it quits and told him. Hey, I'm not looking for this right now, however, Since blocking him. My call blocked list has seventeen calls from him. After I already told him that I didn't want to continue this with him like a quote unquote decent human being as you said. Don't think you know How crazy people can be. Until you've been through it and been stalked, you would not understand
@fluxie Good luck! I dated someone like that for two years. He would tell me all the time I was “the most important person” to him, or that I was “the best thing to ever happen” to him. He would get upset when I would said, “Well my son is my favorite person.” I mentioned it to him once and he said that obviously his son came first… but I don’t think he meant that. He “couldn’t live without” me, but then he ran at any sign of conflict and in the end discarded me anywayyy.

And I’m continuously reminded how I never cared, but he cared so much he stayed for so long knowing it was never going to work. 😐

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