Help/AITA? Parent Extreme Venting After Toddler Bed Time Hell


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Throwaway for reasons
I’m (39M) no saint, I have my moments of frustration that go too far (loud shouting maybe at 7-8 max), I’m keenly aware of the mental impacts and outbursts that toddlers can induce.

But I’m seriously at a loss with my Wife’s (41F) reaction to handling toddler bed hell. (We’re in the thick of 2+ sleep regression and attachment to Mommy)

I do everything I can to be involved and attempt to play our Power Nanny game or w/e it’s called (jump into room on her getting out of bed, put the tot back in bed , firmly and lovingly say good night - rinse repeat until down)…but most nights kiddo ain’t having any of daddy. Only Mommy is acceptable… you know the drill.

Recently, kiddo has gotten worse, taking about 1.5 hrs or more to get to sleep after her routine. Fairly normal at her age from what I’ve read.

This sends Wife into a frenzy, banshee level screaming, the kind that blurs your vision if you do it during a verbal argument. You know…. The level of yelling that comes from true and deep desperation.

Added context, Wife is an early riser , always has been, and generally a bad sleeper , any inkling of sleep she can get is like gold. On top of that the early rising is on account of trying to fit in very important fitness goals into the day, and when that’s missed things just generally snow ball. (No time to take care of herself, etc etc). - not to discount it as important - it truly is important to her and we wiggle around the schedule constantly to make sure she gets what she needs.

Consistency is ideal though, and we’re very far away from that right now - so I get it - she’s boiling over.

The rub: Help, AITA? ; I, for some reason, absolutely cannot handle the max level screaming in that context. I can handle 10,11 outbursts , she needs to vent and I want to support her and always problem solve.
….but I completely shut down and have to walk out of the room when Jekyl comes out.

So I did the thing that I NEEDED in that moment this time, I asked her to get a grip. I told her very clearly that needing to vent and be angry and bang on the bed is all good, but I cannot accept lvl 15-20.

Frankly speaking she and I could not be more different when it comes to handling stress. My personal fuse on that kind of yelling is SSOOO long. Hers is not.

Because of that I just can’t compute how she can get to that point seemingly so fast , not be my fault for pissing her off, and without really anything I can do to actually help the situation……..

I am lost , please help

P.s. if this is normal behavior and I’m just a little child about this that’s ok - there is a strong possibility my sensitivity to that kind of yelling comes from Mommy issues.

Edit: No tots are screamed at in this scenario , just the open air in our master bed , next to my ear drum
@noclue Well if there's anything to get a toddler to lie down and drift off to sleep peacefully--it sure as hell isn't screaming.

You CAN do a lot to help the situation. Bedtime with mommy clearly isn't working if it sends your wife into a murderous rage each time. Relieve her of that and take over yourself. Best that she leaves the house and attend to her fitness goals during bedtime. Your daughter is gonna protest vehemently--just repeat "mommy is taking a break right now; daddy is here to take care of you", stay calm, and let her have at it. It won't be pleasant for a while, but it still beats a scream fest from your wife every night.
@knowledgeisnotignorant I’ll add an edit - she’s not screaming at kiddo - she comes back from the bedroom into master bed and then lets it all out.

I’m ok with and or can handle it up to a point, just not the level I described

There’s merit in some of your comment though , me being more insistent that I just take care of bedtime en total is one experiment we haven’t tried - mostly because it seems like suicide by toddler slaps 🫤

Thank you for your thoughts
@noclue It's good that she's not screaming at kiddo, but it's still not good for her to have to do that every night. And I'm sure your daughter feels the tension--I was having trouble soothing my 3mo due to my PPD, and if my friggin newborn could sense my stress and anxiety, your toddler daughter definitely can.

She doesn't get to yell, slap, or do anything to you to get rid of you. You're the parent and you need to take charge of bedtime. Give her some small choices like what books to read and what pajamas to wear. Make a bedtime routine chart if you want so that she can check off things as you complete them. And then enforce it. This link has very good suggestions:

Believe it or not: once she sees that you are in charge, she will be reassured and go down a lot easier.
I’m ok with and or can handle it up to a point, just not the level I described

What exactly do you mean? When its bad you can't handle it? If you are unable to take over fully for a night surely this explains why your partner can't take doing it every night??
@thabang What choice do I have? Tot will run around, cries more, screams and yells for mommy if I try to put her down for bed.

Mom comes in and takes over when that happens, I don’t ask her to, she just kicks me out.

I understand how taxing that can be.

I don’t understand why it has to then induce screaming so loud when back in the master.

Yelling and throwing a fit about how unfair it is, how stressful it is - however ridiculous and childish I think that behavior is on her, I don’t mind that up to a point - a persons gotta vent I know.

Why is it a legitimate thing for me to have to support or be around when it gets so fucking loud I can’t even recognize her?

What is wrong with me that doesn’t see this behavior as valid?
@noclue Is this common for her to yell a lot, or is it just recently due to this bed time drama? Because it changes ny opinion.

If its more recent I think you need a major circut breaker. It sounds like it is a nightmare and is driving your wife insane. Daughter is probably feeding off of the chaos and its becoming a cycle. When you say you try, is it the scrwming (of your toddler) that means your wife needs to come in?

What time does your daughter start bed vs your wife go to bed? Could she simply leave the house for a few evenings and you just deal with bedtime, and deal with whatever state your daughter is in? I know you said she is an early riser, but if fitness is her goal is there a way you can free up time for her to do it a bit later, or in the evening, or does it have to be morning for her?
@noclue Hey,
I do not have enough info to determine if you are or not.

Your wife sounds like she might feel completely depleted. Ive been there myself.

She might not handle stressors the way she used to due to changes in the mind and body far beyond her control.
She probably can’t stand it. Perhaps more than you. I can personally speak from experience.

Why is bedtime such an issue right now? Have you co slept in the past? Or in the same room and now you guys have moved her recently? If there was a recent change, what parent is the one behind it?