General Chat 12/5

@niki71 Literally just posted that I had a dream with a BFP in it also! Mine didn't include anything other than looking at a test and seeing the line come up. Very disjointed dream but still gave me a little hope (and of course a little sadness!)
@fasthello I wish I could say good morning, however it's difficult to say 'good morning' when the current weather here is -20C (-4F) and it is only supposed to get colder throughout the week. I did have a good weekend though and managed to get some Christmas presents wrapped.

AF is due to strike later this week (Thursday/Friday) so today on my lunch hour I will be buying a pack of pregnancy tests so that I can test Thursday morning :)

I'm so thankful for this community as none of my friends have TTC, or even have babies on their mind (they are all still in the clubbing and bar phase) so I love having the support on here and being able to read other people's advice and experiences. It makes me feel less alone in this process.
@soconfused02 Hi! I'm part of the newbies, I just found this subreddit today and DH and I will be TTC starting in February 2017! I hope you'll get some good news with those tests, and if not, hang in there! :) I'll be cheering.
@prettywoman Thank you! :) I will probably post here as soon as I find out out of sheer excitement haha. I'm trying to convince myself to wait until Thursday morning to test rather than testing too early and potentially setting myself up for a disappointment with a false negative.
@soconfused02 Is the snow blowing everywhere and making it hard to see there too? I was reading the south of the province is supposed to get walloped this week and my MLA was saying the drive had been not great last night when I interviewed him this morning.