General Chat 12/5

@mesta831 I don't mind sharing the sex of the baby, but I won't publicly announce it or anything!! I agree talking about names never goes well because people have such strong opinions.
@ka__f I don't plan to either. However I always imagined that the first baby I would want to know the gender and share it with everyone, second baby learn the gender but keep it a secret from family until birth, and third baby surprise gender for me and everyone! lol don't think DH will allow.
@ka__f There was a colored dress code requirement? This is like the requirement to wear black to bachelorette parties. I'm bringing a gift, spending tons of money on the person and probably taking time away from something else. Please don't also tell me what to wear.
@ka__f I saw a video of a couple that had the the doctor write down the sex on a piece of paper rather than tell them in person. The wife went to the store and picked out two outfits one girl/boy and asked the cashier to wrap the appropriate one while she looked away. When she got home her and her husband opened it and were surprised together. I really like the idea of finding out at home just the two of us and it being a private moment for only us to share.
@fasthello CD 1 for me. I am actually excited!
  • Friday Ex-bff asks if I am going to her baby shower ( I didn't), cue ugly crying .
  • Saturday I got trolled pretty hard by a evap line.
  • Sunday morning remembered I needed to pick up my progesterone to restart my cycle. Sit at Walgreens for 20 min to get it. I started spotting right before the season finale of Westworld, went ahead and took proegesterone just in case AF pulled a fast one one me again.
  • Woke up this morning to full flow.
So I did ovulate on my own. I also get to start clomid Thursday cue freaking out. I would just wing this cycle but I don't trust my body to ovulate again.
@ngillfil They said it was optional, I will probably push for it since I did ovulate on my own and early last cycle.

That is if work co-operates!! They sent a message to the doc, and when they call me back I will ask about it.
@sunshine100 For me, ultrasounds are so much less stressful. They take all the guesswork out of it. And I did not miss peeing on OPKs. Plus you can get a real understanding of how your body is reacting the meds.

Luckily my RE is only 10 minutes away from work so that's super convenient.