General Chat 12/5

@fasthello Probably around 6 dpo in our first tww... honestly after reading all the stuff about how long other people have to try to get pregnant, and knowing my doctor has always said my weird cervix would likely make it hard for me to ever get pregnant naturally, I don't really feel antsy or excited to test this month. Not dreading it, just indifferent. Pre-o I was very excited and ready to try but if it somehow comes back positive I will seriously be in disbelief xD I guess it is a better state of mind to be in so I don't get disappointed!
@theunissa What exactly is "weird" about your cervix? I have a fibroid in mine (grape-sized apparently) and I've always wondered if it made it more difficult for sperm to get up there and if there was a specific position that would help.

Fingers crossed for you and your zen state of mind!
@revtimothy Apparently it is crooked somehow so she always has difficulty getting to it during a pap. After my pap she brought up that it would probably cause me difficulty but said stuff like Ivf is an option. At the time we weren't planning on TTC so I didn't press her.
Since I am young enough a few years of trying wouldn't be make-or-break for us, we haven't done any further testing or seen a different doc. My mom did have a similar issue with her cervix apparently and she had to do different positions and it took her about a year to get pregnant with me.

Good luck to you!!! I'm hoping this zen lasts through the negative on my test if that is what happens lol
@fasthello We are sitting at 7 DP IUI. All I want to do is have my wife POAS every hour but last time she did one every day, and then I was discouraged every day. Googling "BFN 11 dpo, can you still be pregnant". There is no way it could be positive today anyway.

So we are trying REALLY hard to make it to at least 10 dp iui. Mostly because I want to have some sort of expectation when we go in for her blood work on the 12th. I feel like it would be SUPER sad to go in optimistic and to have to learn about it, at work, from a nurse.
@kelli1234567890 FF says to chart the most fertile CM you observed that day. I usually also leave myself a note like "cream CM this morning with some EWCM mixed in this evening" or whatever. Then when I look back I know which days I had nothing but EWCM and which days I was still getting some creamy and such. But yeah, I'd chart it as EWCM.
@fasthello A friend of mine was due in November and I crocheted a little turkey hat for baby because he was dubbed "lil turkey." She ended up having him in December, so now he's her "lil reindeer." Obviously I needed to make her reindeer hat. Anyway, it's absolutely adorable and I'm dying a little because I just really want it to be for my own baby.
@fasthello 11DPO, woke to AF cramps so I guess that's coming :-( negative test, so cycle 7 set to start tomorrow. Also have first appointment with new GYN tomorrow about the painful AF cramps/cramps after sex, so that will be interesting! Should get DH's SA results today too, so all of the things fertility related for us!
@fasthello Hi everyone! Officially hit CD90 yesterday on my first cycle off BC. My annual is on Friday, I can't wait to get this figured out! Saturday night we hosted friends for a Christmas party, and the first baby of the group was there. She's too adorable. Suffice it to say I was craving a baby! Even when she was crying.
@fasthello I am 11 DPO and AF arrived this afternoon by surprise, 4 days early. In some ways I don't mind because it doesn't drag out the suspense, i've got an answer. Here's to cycle #2!
@fasthello I'm pretty sure I'm ovulating for the first time in years! I was on birth control since 13 (29 now), and I haven't had this particular pain in my lower left quadrant for a long long time, and my tits hurt like a son of a cunt. My OPKs and giant box of HPTs will hopefully arrive from amazon tomorrow, but we banged tonight just for good measure. My cervix felt really low too. Exciting!