Daily Chat 9/6/14 Starving Saturday and Baby Watch: DwK Edition

@jacknife Thinking about you DWK!!!

I am trying very hard to snack, so I have a lot of things like string cheese, crackers, soups, and nuts in the house. For meals, lots of protein - chicken and Greek yogurt are my go to's.

I will also acknowledge I have a major sweet tooth -- I definitely have Oreos and ice cream probably way too often! We will see if that catches up to me at my glucose test !!
@jacknife 9 weeks. Puking several times a day. My diet consists entirely of cheese and crackers and juice and lemonade. I actually came home with like 5 kinds of lemonade the other day.
@admjen :( sorry you're so sick! if it makes you feel any better, i ate cheese and crackers for dinner last night without being sick, because the heart wants what the heart wants.
@admjen Aw. Sorry about the puking--I hope it lets up for you soon! I have had a near-insatiable craving for citrus since I got pregnant; kind of jealous of your lemonade right now. :)
@jacknife I got a new generic bran of prenatal vitamins and they've been making me sick.

This afternoon I went and got some fries and gravy, I took my vitamin and started to scarf down the fries while driving to the shop. Almost finishing my fries and gravy I start to feel like I'm going to throw up and need to pull over. While looking for somewhere to stop I proceed to throw up in my mouth and almost choke so I grabbed the fast food paper bag and yes it was gross. Luckily I found a place to pull over and continue to yak everything I had just eaten. I love french fries so I told the baby I will break up with him if he continues to dislike fries. Later I consumed fries and everything was fine. Oh baby why are you so finicky.
@kevincongdon Just a tip: try taking your prenatal right before bed. It seemed to help take away that icky nauseating feeling after taking it that way for me (added bonus, you'll absorb more of the vitamin if you sleep through the night and don't puke vs. Taking it and puking an hour later :p)
@jr47 ROFL XD

Yeah, my doctor suggested taking my progesterone before bed to help with the potential nausea side effect, and after I puked that first time, I figured it was a good idea to take my prenatal then too so that I'd (hopefully) absorb it all while I slept :p
@kevincongdon Your vitamins probably are upsetting your stomach, but it might also be that you were driving. The only time I puked during my first pregnancy was after I ate French fries while in a moving car.

I would start taking your vitamins at night like Cheerfulmuse's suggested. Mine upset my stomach too so I wake up a little earlier than usual, take them, and then go back to bed for an hour or so. Never feel sick on those days. Taking them at night seems more simple though :)
@jacknife I'm making soup today :D vegetables with some lemon and apple cider vinegar chucked in, found the recipe the other day. Will have it for lunches next week, with some protein too or I'll be starving! ;)
actually just done the food shop today, there is a LOT of various yogurt in the fridge, skyr, greek, one with museli and regular. Loads of fruit and veggies and various meats. Oh and crabsticks! Also got some cookies today...and I will be making paleo scotch eggs later!
@jacknife i'm making 7-layer dip for tomorrow's football party, even though it requires trips to multiple grocery stores to assemble the ingredients (germany has an interesting interpretation of mexican food). preeeetty excited about it.

otherwise, i want to eat every fresh herb. basil, cilantro, whatever you got, i want it and i want it on everything i eat.
@jacknife I made chicken fajitas last night so we have lots of leftovers. I will also be making Italian sausage with peppers and onions this weekend. Lots of yogurt, fruit, spinach and some low carb ice cream treats! I've gotten to the stage where I can't sleep I get uncomfortable so I am up bright and early this Saturday.
@jacknife Childbirth classes today and tomorrow and we will have to go shopping because there is very little in our fridge lol.

We are starting to think about freezer meals although, if I see chicken enchilada on one more list, I may smack a bitch!

Classes only go to 1 each day but I'm really hoping they have snacks. Or at least will consider having snacks for the sake of the pregnant women lol.
@boynee Let us know about the classes. I have mine next week it's a one day class tho from 9-330. I'm hoping I can bring food or they feed us. I mean seriously a class full of pregnant chicks in their 3rd trimester and no food? They must have a death wish.