General Chat 12/5

@ngillfil Everyone but it looks like my boss created it. I'm laughing at it now but if I had seen it last week (when I found out 2 coworkers are pregnant and a coworker's wife is pregnant with twins) I definitely would have been crying.
@ka__f Yeah it's something my husband and I knew we wanted to do but I just thought it would be something we did after we had experienced pregnancy and childbirth and parenting.
@briannas Ha, I wish it worked that way. My nosy older women coworkers have already diagnosed me as pregnant several times over the past year. Sigh.

The worst time - coworkers are whispering to each other and looking at me. Coworker A pulls me aside and says Coworker B and C think I'm pregnant. She asks if I am. "No." I say. "Are you sure?" coworker asks. I did my best to stare daggers at her as I flatly responded "I'm on my period right now." "Oh..."
I wanted to bitch slap them all.
@fasthello Let's see...I have today off work, so that's amazing! After I dropped my son off at school, I went running in some wet and windy weather, and it was actually very pleasant and energizing.

I'm like 90% done with my Christmas shopping. I just need something for my weird uncle who is impossible to shop for, and small gifts for my girlfriends from my running club. No ideas :|
@fasthello Definitely in the middle of cd2. I'm pretty freaked out by this month's 8 day luteal phase. I don't know if I screwed up my dates or it's just crazy early. It feels early- the later it is the worse I cramp and this is very light on pain and flow.

I'm trying to decide if I want to email my obgyn about progesterone testing. I'm in this no man's land where this is taking a while but it could still just be bad luck. I've had three cycles of loose trying, 6 cycles of well timed sex with full tracking, one CP. Plus several years of occasional no BC sex. So probably just bad luck but I'm starting to worry. Continuing to worry.