General Chat 12/5

@briannas It does make it a lot easier, for me at least. I let myself wallow for a little bit then I make myself be optimistic again. It helps that my natural disposition is that way.
@fasthello 12DPO. I had a dream last night that I got a positive pregnancy test, and that DH and I had a daughter. It was around Christmas, and she was a few months old. She was wearing a green winter hat with a little poof on it. It was so adorable, and she was perfect. I can't really remember her face. Woke up, took a test, and it was negative. Damn. Still not out, but damn.

I told DH about it, and he said he hoped it was a preview for next Christmas. Love that man.
@niki71 Joining the dreamers club. I had a dream the other night that my husband and I were snuggling in bed with our twin boys who were around 6 months old. I just remember that they needed changed and he was taking care of one and I was doing the other one who started to poop on me. I also had another dream that a homeless orphaned little boy who was around 5 or 6 wandered into my garage so I gave him a bath and washed his clothes, which he told me he wore all of all of the time because he had no where to put them. 🙁 stupid brain.
@boxjamming Ahh I hope so! These dream are so trippy, but I didn't want to wake up from mine. It kind of sucked, and I don't want to get too hopeful, but I hope it was a preview of what's to come!