Freezer Stash & MIL

@tigersstory What else does you can’t waste BM like you can formula mean??? Explain it.

You don’t even understand what you wrote. There is no other interpretation. It’s a waste either way, you spend time an resources on both. I wouldn’t want to waste either.
@jimjamjimjam Some people really struggle to pump and stash away extra. Some people can't get a pump and flange that works or their boobs just won't give more. Those especially are the ones that complain of waste.
@csanc I only made “just enough” so I understand. I’m just saying that it’s weird to make it like formula is disposable like it’s no big deal and breast milk is not. Waste of either is annoying and terrible
@jimjamjimjam I agree. I think it comes down to the fact they didn't put in the "pain and suffering" of making the formula. Atleast not beyond paying for it anyway. Vs sterilizing parts, cleaning bottles, labeling, freezing flat and so on.
@jimjamjimjam I think it comes down to valuing time and effort over money. I honestly don’t care a bit about throwing out formula, but if a drop of breast milk is wasted I’m upset.
@bastarr Not overreacting, not even a little bit. Bless you mama, I'd be LIVID. She not only wasted your time, energy, and effort (trust me, I exclusively pump so I know how long it takes to build up a stash), but she wasted the baby's FOOD. Now there is none even for emergency use. She'd be getting an earful from me, husband included.
@bastarr Definitely ask about it because that sounds like a lot, but our baby would actually heat HEAPS more when with my mum and at almost 2 she still does (but has moved from breastmilk to just eating everything in the house 😅).

My mum is constantly doing things with her all day and our daughter is just extra hungry and seems to enjoy the warm and fuzzy feeding style of my mother compared to me and her dad!

Honestly she eats about double the food when she’s with my mum
@bastarr Both my mother and MIL tend to feed my babies way more than they needed. Every time the baby cried they decided they must be hungry and need fed.

My daughter had reflux and was prone to overeating. I used to have to limit how much milk I sent so that she would only get a little too much instead of way to much. MIL did get puked on a couple times though.

My son is better about self limiting, but she still gave him 15oz in 3 hours this weekend while we went out for dinner.

They aren't being malicious and aren't really wasting the milk. They just assume a crying baby must be hungry. They can't possibly just be tired.
@sparklingdust Yes, this. And then once it is open and heated and baby doesn't take it... Well.... You're supposed to toss it. Rinse and repeat once an hour, and you've gone through 6 bags. If there's 5oz in each bag, that's 30oz.