Freezer Stash & MIL

@estpet Facts!! She wouldn't watch my kid again until they were on solids primarily. OP is not over exaggerating and honestly is handling this better than I would have.
@bastarr I have no words other than it would take every fiber of my being to not freak out on her, and my husband if he accused me of overreacting. You’re showing a lot of restraint by venting here instead of calling her right away with a resounding WTF.

My LO can drink up to 4oz in a sitting and eats every 2-3 hours so that would be 8-12oz. We know to give her up to an hour to finish if she doesn’t drink the whole thing right away, too.

We did have MIL babysit for 6 hours recently and a similar thing (nowhere near the same degree) happened. I’d had 2x 2oz of breastmilk bottles that I’d pumped in advance, queued up in the fridge. I explicitly told her to feed baby said breastmilk and if she was still hungry, formula.

I see bottles in the fridge that night after we got back but wasn’t quite sure if it was leftover formula, etc. But the next morning MIL says “oh I forgot to tell you a weird thing happened with the breastmilk. She didn’t want it. I tried to feed it to her but wouldn’t take it, she smacked it away with her hand. I tried mixing it with formula, she didn’t take that either but she did drink formula when I made it.”

I found that super hard to believe because she drinks fresh, refrigerated, and thawed breastmilk (even fridge temp, no lipase aversion, etc) and, she was just shy of 3 months so I felt dubious about her “smacking” anything away.. she barely even knew her own hands belonged to her at that point. We had advised MIL before we left that sometimes she won’t eat right away even if hungry so we warm her up with the pacifier and give her a few more tries before taking it as she’s not easy to eat. I do know MIL formula fed her three kids. And, that day she’d made an odd comment about it being “great that could pump so the baby isn’t taking it [milk] from me directly” like.. tell me you are anti-breastfeeding without telling me you’re anti-breastfeeding why don’t you. I believe her that LO didn’t want to drink, but I find it VERY hard to believe that she preferred formula over breastmilk (I’ve smelled the formula we use, it smells like straight-up IRON 🤢) Anyway, at least one of the bottles was untouched and ok to feed her later. But def made me feel like ok if she watches her (which has only been 1x in 3 mo. anyway) I just have to mentally prepare for her to do that again.

Sorry for the novel and SO SORRY this happened to you. Please update us if you can.
@christina564 That’s exactly what I’m thinking. If she made 3 full large bottles, instead of what baby would drink, that would make sense. Especially if baby is like my son who eats every 2 hours or so.
@christina564 She probably doesn’t know all the rules about how long milk can remain on the countertop and just discarded large volumes or stopped whenever baby fell asleep halfway drinking. I’m LIVID!
@bastarr Tell your partner to shut his/her mouth if they aren’t going to be helpful. That’s an insane amount of milk and work. I would be LIVID
@bastarr this is fucking insane and WE NEED to know where this milk went!!?? I would be so PISSED!!! 30oz in 6 hours is ridiculous! She must have wasted it!??? 😫😫😫😫 i’m crying for you!!!
@bastarr omg i’m so sorry. i’ve spazzed out at my dad and bf to for wasting 2 ounces before and now they never waste any😂. you need to make it clear that they cannot waste breast milk. older generations who formula fed are ignorant and don’t understand u can’t just waste breast milk and throw it away like u can with formula.
@caterine Over 50% of babies born in USA qualify for formula through WIC because the income limit is higher than other government assistance programs. You can also get breast pumps and lactation help through WIC.

I am only commenting this because it seems to be an underknown fact, and if someone in need sees this comment, it may help their mental/financial/emotional health.
@tigersstory “older generations who formula fed are ignorant and don’t understand u can’t just waste breast milk and throw it away like u can with formula.”

This is what you said. It implies you can just waste formula. Why would you do that, especially when there was a recent formula shortage. So 🫠 and nice job figuring out how to use the caps button. 👍