EnJoY yOuR sLeEp NoW

@vanerahelson I’m not going to lie to you this phrase annoyed me when I was pregnant too, but they’re being serious. The newborn phase is so much worse. It’s still shitty for them to tell you that, it’s not like it’s going to change anything. Doesn’t matter if you were sleeping 10 hours straight every night, it won’t make up for how hard the newborn phase is. And all it does it scare you.
@vanerahelson Post partum sleep is better than pregnancy sleep. Yeah you have to be up and down every couple of hours for baby but it's so much better. Especially in terms of comfort.
@vanerahelson I had my baby early last week- and I’ve had the best sleeps 😂 I’m not saying that they are as long but holy WOW is it nice to sleep on my stomach again and not have to constantly pee or have pregnancy pains. I’d take this over pregnant sleep any day!
@vanerahelson I know this is going to suck but... I turned into 1 of those people. I mean, I do usually wait until people ask, but still...

Yes, I woke up to go pee that often too. But I could go to bed at whatever time I chose, sit in the shower or tub to relax before sleeping which made falling asleep much easier, in the weekends I could nap whenever I felt like it and stay in bed as long as I wanted.

My sleep was 1000x better during my hellish pregnancy than it ever was after baby's been born. I wake up from every sound that he makes. Feeding him takes an hour so I have trouble sleepinf after his night feed. His naps are OK but if I want any me-time that isn't sleep I have to cram it in there.

Just... realise that for some people this is their reality and they might want you to be prepared. Tell them, "Oh dear, I hope my sleep will be better than yours was once baby is here!" and move on. And maybe if they add advice just list it mentally in cade you ever need it. But I hope you don't.
@spidey81 I mean it may not have been a lie for them. It sounds like this is really variable. My first trimester I woke up 3 times a night to pee, and it would take a good hour each time to fall back asleep after.

I have no idea how my newborn will be, I'm sure it can be even worse but it might actually be a little better. No way to know yet!
@spidey81 I don't believe everyone who says that is lying, I think for a lot of people it's true. My coworker had her baby 2 weeks ago, and this is what she's saying. But she honestly looks so much better rested than she did at 38+ weeks pregnant, there's no doubt in my mind that she means it.

Another friend recently said something similar; she said she finds nursing soothing and could fall back asleep easier than she could when she was heavily pregnant and uncomfortable.
@vanerahelson I’m second trimester and my only pregnancy symptom is that I’m insomniac 😩 I can’t fall asleep as easily and I still wake up early. I’m currently depending on naps when I’m wfh. I am very nervous for when I’m in third tri and how bad my sleep will be.
@vanerahelson Haha I am one day overdue, pee like 8 times a night, have a sick senior cat who is quite vocal, and an almost three year old who has always been a poor sleeper. The “sleep while you can” comments are the most enraging ones that people make, albeit in a well meaning way.
@vanerahelson These comments used to drive me nuts too lol 😂 I have to admit that 5 days PP, I fully understand them. It really hit me when my baby shot liquid poop all over my face, hair, clothes and bed and I was faced with only one luxury after finishing her diaper: sleep for an hour before she needs to cluster feed again or shower. I chose sleep 😂😭
@vanerahelson 39+6 here and started taking a wee bit of unisom a week ago out of desperation. It‘s helped tremendously.. not sure why I waited. Went from peeing 10x a night to maybe 4 & my quality of sleep is way better.
@vanerahelson I’m only 3.5 months and need to pee it feels like every 5 minutes, at least 3-4 times a night, and now my body randomly decides sleep time is over at 6-7 am every day, regardless of bedtime. I think sleep time is over 😅
@vanerahelson I am not even at 6 months yet and I already don't enjoy going to sleep. Changing positions is a chore. Everything is uncomfortable. And I have to get up to pee.

I am so thirsty all the time, but all this water comes out in small batches, meaning i already have to pee twice an hour. We went for a walk in the city last night. Couldn't go everywhere we want, because there are no public bathrooms in those parts of town. I live in the countryside, at least we have bushes...

I bult a pillow thing on my bed with a hole for my belly. It was heaven to lie face down for a moment. But just a moment, idk how safe that is.
@vanerahelson i gotta say, newborn sleep is so much better than pregnancy sleep. i slept maybe an hour at a time during the end of pregnancy, and when my daughter was born i got 2-3 hour stretches, and 3 hour naps during the day too. now that she's older, it's 7-8 hour stretches and a 2 hour nap during the day. her sleep really improved when she started putting weight on too! i will die on the hill that pregnancy sleep is far worse than newborn sleep any day.
@vanerahelson Mood! I’m 38+4 just begging to be put out of my misery at this point. Between baby still being up in my ribs and not dropping anytime soon, restless leg syndrome, frequent peeing, heartburn, and tossing and turning like a rotisserie chicken there is no “sleep”