6 months now what’s your normal with night sleep?

@aschreck I have a 6 month old little girl, she goes to bed around 7:30pm and then wakes up mostly every hour all night long, sometimes she will go 2 hours but that’s about the max. This all started at 4 months and hasn’t improved at all yet, sometimes she wants a bottle sometimes she just wants to be held until she falls back asleep then she goes back in the cot and she’s awake again very soon after 😂 I’m tired lol
@jessika28 Oh my word you poor poor thing. Zombie mode! It’s amazing what our bodies adapt to when they have to lol. Fingers crossed for sleep for you both soon!
@lovesfury It’s so frustrating isn’t it haha, I’ve never been good with lack of sleep but feel like I’m starting to get used to it at this point. Wish there was something I could do to help her sleep more but I’ve tried most things and nothings helping
@aschreck I have a 6mo. He’s in bed from 7:30pm to 7:30am everyday. A couple times a week he wakes around 9-10pm for a feeding top-up. Very occasionally he’s up once in the middle of the night. Been like this for months. He just consolidated naps to 3 per day, usually 2 that are 30-40 minutes and 1 that is an hour or more. He’s slept in his own room since 6 weeks old. Outside of sleep time, he’s very active.
@aschreck Our LO is 6 months and sleeps from 7pm to 7am every night with no feeds. He used to wake up several times a night but we sleep trained at 5 months and he’s been a wonderful sleeper ever since!
@scottyp588 Oh that’s so wonderful! We did the sleep training about a month ago too and he goes down for all his sleeps on his own, but still wakes up crying every second night or so…go figure 😂🤷‍♀️
@aschreck We usually get our 6 month old down around 7:30. Sometimes she wakes a few times and needs her paci or to be rocked for a couple minutes. Then she sleeps til 4 or so, wakes for a feeding, and goes back down til 6ish. Sometimes she’ll sleep straight through til 6 🙌🏼

Hang in there!!!
@aschreck I also have a 6 month old. Normally he goes to bed for 11-12 hours with 1 brief wakeup for a feed (sometimes 2 if he was too distracted during the day to eat well). This past week he has decided to wake up at 5:30 everyday though 😩
@aschreck LO is 5 months and just started daycare so we're now working on more of a sleep schedule that lines us up for success in the mornings. With the shorter days, he'd keep on sleeping if we never woke him up from his 5/6pm nap. So we feed him around 8/8:30 and put him down

"for good." Sometimes he sleeps a straught 8-10 hours but he has nights where he wakes up every 4-5 hours where we quickly feed him and put him directly back to bed. Regardless of MOTN feeds, he normally wakes up between 4:30 - 6am where we're not trying to quickly feed him and put him down for one last 1ish hour stretch before we begin the process of getting him ready for daycare. He's been consistently a great sleeper but depending on the day, he may wake up 1-2x during the night. From what I hear inconsistent sleep is normal, all I know is that his napping during the day helps set him up for night success. So we're working on monitoring wake windows so we get him down before overtiredness happens.
@j0sh8830 Yessss so much planning goes around their sleep it’s crazy! We are trying to get on a schedule for daycare too so hard when he wakes at a different time every day.
@aschreck My baby is 5 months, he's only truly STTN a handful of times. He got sick last month from me (hubby brought home a cold from work). He usually wakes up once but the time varies, sometimes it's 2 AM other times it's like 4:30 AM. I much prefer if he wakes up earlier, it's so hard getting back to sleep after 4:30 AM! 🤞🏼 My baby will go back to STTN since his cold is finally going away!

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