EnJoY yOuR sLeEp NoW

@vanerahelson I am going to get downvote for this. idk why people get so offended easily. Bc this “enjoy your sleep now” applies to me. I had the easiest pregnancy and was able to sleep. Now, I have a 3 months old. Let me tell you, it’s hell since the day she was born. I keep hearing it will get better, but nope, my LO wakes up every 2 hours and just eating 0.5 oz. It’s so freaking annoying. On top of that, I have to pump after feeding her. So it’s like she wakes up midnight, 2, 4, 6. It takes 1.5 hours to finish feeding and pumping most of the nights. I miss my pregnancy. I guess people say if you have a difficult pregnancy, you will have an easy baby.
@vanerahelson I slept so much better with a newborn, getting deep comfortable sleeps for a couple of hours at a time than I did the entire third trimester. Those last few months it would take 30 minutes rolling around like a turtle on its back to get comfortable, just to realize I had to pee and take another 30 minutes to get comfortable, just to have stomach acid come all the way up into my mouth and have to sit up (not an easy feat) to take tums (again)

..over and over and over.
@vanerahelson I’m 36 weeks and I am awake from 2:30-5am every morning, I am able to fall asleep from 5-7am usually but sometimes I just get up. It’s infuriating, I feel exhausted.

So I’m getting 4.5 hrs of tossing and turning continuously then another 2 in the morning if I’m lucky. I think that’s likely realistic within a few weeks post partum as I have a parter who also will have leave from work so we can do shifts. I also won’t be working full time so I can nap in the day after baby arrives.

I don’t imagine it will be easy but the pregnancy insomnia fucking sucks.
@vanerahelson I'm 'only' 23 weeks and I already can't sleep because there is no position in which I feel like I can breathe properly (leaving the getting up to pee all the time aside)- My sister who's pregnant with her second said this is what it's gonna be from now on.
@vanerahelson I sleep so much better pp than while pregnant. There are bad nights, but every night was bad while pregnant, and even if I don’t get sleep now at least it’s not because agonising pain stopped me from sleeping.
@vanerahelson I heard this bullshit as well and I'm here to tell you I sleep better now that he's out than I did 2 weeks ago when I couldn't breathe or stop peeing every 5 seconds. As a matter of fact, he sleeps literally 24/7 unless he's hungry so I've been lucky enough to be able to resume life as usual and I've been doing fantastic. I know it's not the norm, but I'm sure as hell happy about it lol. Hopefully the next one is just as easy because at this rate I'm having 10 🤣
@vanerahelson i’m 10 days postpartum, i went home with a catheter and a raging untreated UTI (until 7 days PP) and am waking up every 3 hours to pump or BF. still sleeping better than 9 months pregnant. you got this girl. if you haven’t been taking unisom i highly recommend it, my issue was getting back to sleep.
@vanerahelson Give me deep interrupted postpartum sleep over pregnancy sleep any day. After the baby is born, your hormones are working for you and that first 1 1/2-2 hours of sleep you get feels like the most restorative sleep of your life
@vanerahelson I’ve told people how extremely exhausted I am and they always say “just wait!” It’s makes my blood boil! It’s my least favorite comment people make, it’s so negative. I’ve heard way more stories of people sleeping better after giving birth then when they’re pregnant.
@crazy_box I had so many people telling me this and it just pissed me off every time because pregnancy was rough on my back and I couldn’t ever sleep, when I had my son I shut them all up because my baby was such a good sleeper! He was like a week and sleeping 3 hours at night before waking I would feed and he would fall asleep immediately for another 3 hours. and at a month he was sleeping through the night lol. And the sleep was better even when I had brought him home because I wasn’t uncomfortable or having heartburn
@vanerahelson 2 weeks postpartum. Baby is exclusively breastfed so I do ALL feeds. I have 5x the sleep quality and 20x the energy that I did my last month of gestation. Plus I get precious newborn snuggles.
@vanerahelson I gotta say, that having been pregnant twice, the having getting up to pee 3-5x a night is so much more restful and chill than getting up with a newborn. You get up, you pee, you get back into bed and just try to lay there. Source: had my second 7 weeks ago, been awake for 2.5 hours so far trying to get her back to sleep.

That said people who say that to you unsolicited are unhelpful jerks. It’s not like you can bank sleep, and it will get better eventually.
@vanerahelson I’ll take sleeping with a newborn around over pregnant sleep any day.

My first is 13 months old and I’m 6 months pregnant and felt that my the end of my second trimester and all of my third last pregnancy was 100x worse than sleeping with my newborn.

Now I’m absolutely certain 🙃.