dOn'T sTrESs, iT's bAD fOR tHe BaBY


New member
I know a lot of people mean well when they say this and believe me, I'm doing my best to chill.

Being afraid of negative feelings has the opposite effect though, I've never met a person who relaxed when you tell them tell "relax"

It's been medically proven that you need to be under a metric ton of stress to affect the baby so we can relax about our normal pregnancy stress :)
@parnellj83 if someone besides my doctor told me something was bad for my baby i would tell them to fuck off lmao i have zero patience for anyone anymore. this is MY baby, mind ur own shitty ass kids 🤣
@soblessednc Oh my god. I work in customer service and the only thing that saves me is that i work remotely so no one can see my face or hear me cussing everyone out between calls 🤣🤣🤣
@parnellj83 I've been reeeeeal direct with my coworkers/supervisors. And I'm not interested in working overtime. If they make me stay late, you best believe I'm billing for every OT minute.
@noel25 its always the people with absolute goblins trying to hand out unsolicited parenting advice!! like lady i want my kids to be the opposite of urs so im gonna do the opposite of whatever u tell me 🤣
@jrob09bhs I felt your comment in my SOUL!!! People annoyed the absolute fuck out of me while I was pregnant and now at 5 weeks postpartum I still get annoyed af with the unnecessary comments and old outdated “advice.” Since having my son I just straight up snap back when people say dumb shit. 😁😅😂
@parnellj83 Every time I call my mom to vent about anything (work, home, baby, etc.) she tells me the stress isn’t good for the baby. I know she means well but it makes me feel so guilty for feeling these feelings. Which is ridiculous! Ugh.
@lionstigersbears I started responding that it's medically proven that you need to be under insane stress to harm the baby. I tried the argument that bottling up emotions is negative but they don't get it.