@parnellj83 if someone besides my doctor told me something was bad for my baby i would tell them to fuck off lmao i have zero patience for anyone anymore. this is MY baby, mind ur own shitty ass kids
@soblessednc Oh my god. I work in customer service and the only thing that saves me is that i work remotely so no one can see my face or hear me cussing everyone out between calls
@katrina2017 i work in a salon. customers can fuck right off. right along with the people who think it’s cute or funny to ask me if i’m sure it’s not twins.
@parnellj83 I've been reeeeeal direct with my coworkers/supervisors. And I'm not interested in working overtime. If they make me stay late, you best believe I'm billing for every OT minute.
@noel25 its always the people with absolute goblins trying to hand out unsolicited parenting advice!! like lady i want my kids to be the opposite of urs so im gonna do the opposite of whatever u tell me
@jrob09bhs I felt your comment in my SOUL!!! People annoyed the absolute fuck out of me while I was pregnant and now at 5 weeks postpartum I still get annoyed af with the unnecessary comments and old outdated “advice.” Since having my son I just straight up snap back when people say dumb shit.
@parnellj83 Every time I call my mom to vent about anything (work, home, baby, etc.) she tells me the stress isn’t good for the baby. I know she means well but it makes me feel so guilty for feeling these feelings. Which is ridiculous! Ugh.
@lionstigersbears I started responding that it's medically proven that you need to be under insane stress to harm the baby. I tried the argument that bottling up emotions is negative but they don't get it.
@parnellj83 Exactly. And expressing these feelings is a way of RELIEVING that stress! It’d be so much better if people would just listen without judgement.
@lionstigersbears Have you noticed that answers like that actually make it worse? I have. If you let me vent I'll be okay afterwards. If you try and make me shut up the pressure will just keep building. Just let me vent..