Does your working partner help overnight?

@daisy83 I exclusively breastfeed so there really isn't anything for him to do to help.. unless baby has a blowout and I need help cleaning it up (bedding and such).
@daisy83 When I was the working parent I got up for nighttime feedings and to help out. We did the shift thing and that worked really well for us.

It sucks, for sure, being tired at work but 1) it also sucks be tired, at home, with kids and 2) its hard work all day long so the idea that resting at night somehow makes the day different never really made sense to me.

Also... I don't know anyone's specific situation but I work a high visibility, high impact, very difficult job and never felt like I was going to be fired for being tired at work. I think the whole "Well I have the job so I need my rest or else we will starve" thing is a bit overblown, if you want it you can make it work.
@daisy83 We have 3 kids, but they're age gaps are further apart than yous (3 & 4 yrs). My husband put the older 2 to bed while I put the baby to bed. I did all overnights because he needed to be rested for work and a long commute. In the morning, he got breakfast ready for the older 2 while I got dressed and got the baby up. He helped with overnights if the baby or I was sick.
@daisy83 I do all baby wake ups and all the big kid wake up through the night. It works for us because I worry about my husband falling off a roof if he's too sleepy where if I'm too sleepy I fall asleep in the kids school work. I sleep in a little later in the morning then he does but overall I probably get less sleep because I no longer nap at all during the day with the older kids needing me to keep them busy otherwise they just run over and get on the screens if I try to take a nap
@daisy83 My husband works, and as he says, so do I even though I stay home.

We take every other baby wake up. I go first, as often the baby will only wake once at night now. When the baby was a newborn, we split the nights. He takes ALL of the 6 year olds "I got up to pee and now I need help getting back in bed" wakeups.

I do the early morning (baby is up at 6) and husband sleeps until 7 (his work is close by)

It works for us.
@daisy83 Sleep training and then sleeping in their own space is what works for our family. 😬 it’s a god send IMO. Because no, my husband very rarely helps with overnights or even putting my 13 month old or 2.5 year old to sleep.
@daisy83 This isn’t sustainable, so sorry to hear. Sleep training your oldest and 1 year old would be a godsend although you said you’re not interested.
@daisy83 Not EBF and only one baby but hubs has always taken the night shift while working. His job has slowed down due to season so it's not as bad on him but he's a champ about it. He understands I need my me time and rest since I'm full carer all day for our 2 month old. It's also a bit easier since she sleeps through the night most nights now. He used to work 7-5 most days and comes home, showers, and then takes over for a bit so I can shower. One of us cooks dinner depending on the meal and we take turns with him majority until bedtime. Bedtime routine is a team effort.

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