Does it ever get better?


New member
I’m a single mom of a 9 month old and I’ve been alone since before I had my daughter. I love her so so so much and I’d do anything for her but it’s so hard. I have no family except my sister I see once a week for a few hours, all my friends live in different states and the father is just a stressor who threatens to harm us or tries to hold money over our heads so I’ve just completely blocked him out. I’m a full time student for computer science, I work doordash when I can with my daughter and I have my own housekeeping business I started up and I feel like I never have a break. She doesn’t sleep through the night and is awake constantly, I have been living in a constant state of sleep deprivation for 9 months. I feel like I’m losing it. I’m trying so hard to hang in there, I’m in therapy once a week, she says I’m doing great but I’m so stressed about trying to make sure the bills are paid, my daughter is eating balanced meals, the house is clean, and that I spend as much time with her as I can. I feel guilty because being a single mom, I have to cook and clean A LOT and it takes up so much time I know she wants to spend with me but I have to feed her… I’m worried she’s going to grow up to hate me because I can’t give her 100% of my attention all the time. She’s a happy baby and I try to get out of the house to do stuff but it’s exhausting and I haven’t had a break or a day to myself since I’ve had her and it’s disheartening seeing my other mom friends on fb get to have a date night , or go to concert while they have a babysitter or their parents watch the kids, and I just wanna know if this ever gets easier or better and if I’ll ever have a chance to have even A small hour or two break
@littlemarlo It gets better and one day you'll look back at these days and wish you could relive them. You and your daughter will always be very close and share that unique bond of you being her only parent.

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