Does HCG actually slow down after 1200mIU/ml in a healthy pregnancy?

@lucia398 Hi I’m one of the anomalies. Take a look at my post / comment history. My son (9y/o) had wild numbers. Low. Slow to rise. Lots of spotting and intense cramping. But he’s here and kicking.

This pregnancy, strong first two draws, then it slowed the second two draws. I’m currently 11+2 after multiple years of secondary infertility driven by damaged eggs / PCOS. I’ve gotten multiple scans and baby is perfect so far. Strong heart. Already wiggling. No spotting or pain.

There is a large variation! And I’ve heard plenty of other moms say the same. Additionally, I’ve also been on the other end of the stick. I’ve had a good amount of chemical pregnancies, as well as two ectopics. So I’ve seen my fair share of wild numbers. Each time I was tracked by bloods with my primary or my RE.

☹️Truly - it’s a crap shoot.
@lucia398 Fwiw my pregnancy with my (now 5 year old) daughter, my doubling time went from 438 to 1367 (43 hours) to 3584 4 days later and the doubling time was 70 hours. 🤷🏼‍♀️
@lucia398 Hi there, mine was initially doubling at 36 hours, then from 500 to 6000 is slowed to 47 hours, and from 6000 to 18000 about 76 hours. No idea what my outcome will be yet. What were your betas on dpo?
@lucia398 Yeah I totally understand your concern. Did you get any betas before that? Or will you get any more? I’m sorry you’re in this limbo. Only an ultrasound will tell you what’s going on.
@lucia398 Good that they were doubling. I posted a study that showed you chances of success based on you beta at 16 dpo. I don’t know if that will help but it’s helped me when I’m doubting my doubling times
@lucia398 Hello, I can’t remember my exact numbers (they will be somewhere in my post history) but mine never doubled in 48 hours. Currently 14w 5d pregnant. I’ve seen the baby 3 times now and they seem happy and healthy in there kicking away!
@lucia398 ~they~ say it does, but mine did not. I was expecting my 1200 to go to like 1800 or something, and it still had more than doubled. I stopped getting betas after that one, so I don’t know if it continued, but I know at 9w pregnant, my hcg was 119k