@lucia398 Hi I’m one of the anomalies. Take a look at my post / comment history. My son (9y/o) had wild numbers. Low. Slow to rise. Lots of spotting and intense cramping. But he’s here and kicking.
This pregnancy, strong first two draws, then it slowed the second two draws. I’m currently 11+2 after multiple years of secondary infertility driven by damaged eggs / PCOS. I’ve gotten multiple scans and baby is perfect so far. Strong heart. Already wiggling. No spotting or pain.
There is a large variation! And I’ve heard plenty of other moms say the same. Additionally, I’ve also been on the other end of the stick. I’ve had a good amount of chemical pregnancies, as well as two ectopics. So I’ve seen my fair share of wild numbers. Each time I was tracked by bloods with my primary or my RE.
Truly - it’s a crap shoot.