2 MC's in one year. On pregnancy 3 of 2023. HCG went from 15 (at 10DPO) to 40 (at 12DPO) does that sound okay?

@viettransdt My HCG for a previous loss was 13 at 15ish DPO, 32 after 48hrs.

My current pregnancy HCG was 16 at 14DPO, 63 at 16DPO, 432 at 19DPO.

I was worried about the low numbers at such late DPOs as well, but they seem to have progressed enough that I'm trusting the process. With the first one, I had a lower HCG at a further along DPO + spotting over 3 days that turned into 2 days of bleeding. This time I've just had about 3 days of dark spotting so both myself and my midwife are less concerned, even knowing I previously lost the fetus at around 7w.
@viettransdt Hi. I’m also on my third pregnancy of 2023. I had a chemical and then a MMC around 9 weeks. I’m currently 19 weeks now. I have a post with my tests/betas if you want an idea. They were worried about my numbers.