Does anyone else’s kid survive on snacks and snacks only?

@ruanddrew My oldest used to only eat plain buttered noodles and white rice as a meal. It was our fault though, because it was all she'd eat and I caved. She was never a picky eater until she was 3. Not that she's 7, she's gotten better about her foods. My youngest isn't a picky eater and gobbles everything we give her. It definitely takes time for then to overcome the snack stage.
@ruanddrew Thank goodness we aren’t the only ones in the same boat, it’s so frustrating. I’ve added half a pack of carnations nutritional chocolate supplement to her morning milk just to get SOME nutrition into her. I know it’s loaded with sugar, but she will literally only eat two types of noodle - udon or somen - which has little to no nutrition at all. She’s taken to the carnation luckily.
@ruanddrew OP, you made my day - I'm so glad (sorry) that I'm not the only one with this problem! I feel guilty, but it's all I can get them to eat! Every so often they are hungry enough to eat/tolerate a full meal, but definitely not as much as I'd like.
@ruanddrew I think (and hope) so! Our friends had a very picky kid who is now 6ft+ tall but all of childhood only ate 3 things: bacon, pizza or chicken fingers. He made it out ok, so there is hope!
@ruanddrew My mom had told me multiple times that when my sister and I were kids there were days that we literally only ate one macaroni noodle the entire day.

Do you think she'd eat fruit and veggie pouches? My son likes the Costco brand ones that have some veggies in them. Also if she likes ANY dips like ketchup ranch I have offered it with meals on really picky days even when it doesnt make sense (like ketchup and cereal). Sometimes he likes the disgusting combination and it gets him to eat, or sometimes just having the safe option within view gets him to eat other stuff.

I struggle to get iron in my kid so we've started a multivitamin. I crush it and put it in juice. He also drinks Fairlife chocolate milk that has DHA in it. Otherwise most days he has a baby charcuterie board with fruit and a muffin/cheese/cereal for breakfast and morning snack because he doesn't want food until like 9:30. He usually eats an ok lunch and dinner because we keep it very predictable and routine but there are absolutely days where his dinner is a fruit pouch and a cookie.
@ruanddrew Do you think if you made a yogurt fruit/veggie smoothie in a blender and told her it's yogurt she'd go for it? They sell reusable yogurt pouches if it ends up being the pouch that matters to her.

My son does the same thing with ketchup. He has yet to ever take a bite of a chicken nugget. I got so excited thinking he was eating steak the other day only to look in his bib and discover all of the pieces were in his bib after he sucked off the ketchup lol.
@ruanddrew Yep. We changed the formula, we do small meals 5 times a day with the three main “snacks” seated at the table for as long as they can last. It seems to be working pretty well.
@ruanddrew My two year old is currently surviving off of cereal, raisins, milk and water. He doesn't want anything else. We offer him a whole variety of things but he only picks at stuff or just out right refuses to eat. The other day I got him to take a single bite of a carrot after months of trying to get him to eat veggies again. I figure he has to outgrow it eventually 🤷‍♀️
@ruanddrew I am so glad you posted this. I feel like a failure everyday because of this same issue I have with my daughter. She survives off yogurt, applesauce, oat/fruit bars, pb and j, goldfish, oreos, sometimes oatmeal, and sometimes chicken nuggets. She refuses to touch any type of vegetables. She used to loves bananas and berries, but all the berries are super tart since they are out of season so she refuses them. I used to be able to get some green in her through applesauce/fruit/veggies squeeze pouch purees, but now only wants a certain just applesauce pouch. My only way now to get something green in her is through a green smoothie juice that I mix with half water. I have tried vegetables in all forms and types, refuses to touch anything. I give her whatever I make for dinner, but she throws a fit when it's in front of her. I have her eat off my plate, but no. I hope this phase goes by quick. I feel like a bad mom.
@bkme We’re in the same place, you’re definitely not a bad mom. We have some good days but then there are days when she’ll only eat clementines and crackers. I just keep offering her the same food I’m eating and try not to worry when all she eats is the cheese or the bread.