Baby is 1 and a half and I haven’t had a period yet. Anyone else? Does it have to do with nutrition?

@olivemcr My baby is 17 months old and I still haven’t had my period. Today I started having abdominal cramping and a mild lower back ache and thought “shit this is it!” But maybe not? No signs of a period so it was probably just stomach irritation.

My baby still nurses 1-2 times during the day and throughout the night. I can’t imagine I create more than a few ounces of milk a day. I’m also on a birth control pill so that is likely contributing to the lack of cycle. I’m in not waiting around for it to come back. The cramping today made me realize how much I do not miss that monthly discomfort.
@olivemcr Honestly, I’m so jealous. I got my period with him less than five months and Alex exclusively Breastfeeding. It turns out that your boobs may leak, honestly my boobs leak more than anything it was terrible. It was like my boobs were weeping. - so sad 😞
@olivemcr I don't think there's rhyme or reason to it. I'm EBF, bled for 8 weeks pp, 4 weeks later got my period, and get it every 4 weeks. Except when I got sick I got it two weeks later. It's just something that is different for everyone.