Does anyone else’s kid survive on snacks and snacks only?

@glendavidson It does get better! My son was picky since 1 years old and he only wanted French fries, chicken nuggets, bananas, and applesauce. Nothing else. With the discretion of his pediatrician she recommended multivitamin, so that acted as a buffer, while introducing new foods at the same time. Now at 2 and a half, he’s added so much more to his diet. We’ve exposed other types of food sooo many times, until he finally started to take interest just recently. It’s been a year and a half of hoping and wishing lol, and it’s finally paid off. Slowly but surely, he’s gotten better. Granted he still rejects veggies, but I’ve been sneaking spinach in his smoothies and quesadillas lol. He actually picked up a broccoli floret and licked it for the first time, and he never used to do that! Better to pick it up and lick it for a second, rather than not acknowledging it at all! We still use a multivitamin (those chewy gummy ones for toddlers).

Hang in there!
@amy2233 This is totally based on my memory, but I think I read somewhere that it takes AT LEAST 10 tries to get used to a new taste. So I would totally count that lick a win!

As an adult it is easy to forget what it is like to encounter a new taste, we’ve had so much exposure over the years. I remind myself I have lots of experience to different tastes and I have lots of experience of being asked to try something new (that might be… suspicious, I want to say nicely?). My toddler? Not so much, and not to mention they are NOT in control of what and when they eat, only how much, so every time they even take a small nibble of a taste I praise (and eat some or the rest in front of them to show example, if I dislike it. Unless it’s olives…). Not to mention that the world is still quite new, big and confusing and finding comfort in something that is consistent, be it goldfish, yoghurt or whatever is understandable - heck, I have lived abroad in a country I barely spoke the language, finding a taste of home from the grocery store was the high point of my week!
@petra888 Thank you! We have a quite of licks to go then, before he actually takes that plunge and eats it! I definitely counted that lick as a win, I was praising him like no tomorrow haha!! I was so impressed! I will continue to be consistent! :) he’s currently underweight due to not eating that much but for the past 2 weeks, he’s been open to eating what we give him, various foods such as cheese pizza, pasta, egg rolls, and so much more! Yeah, for toddlers, this world is still new to them, and consistently really helps! Of course it’s taken a year and a half of exposure to finally get him to eat more, but that hard work is definitely paying off now! :)
@amy2233 May I ask what vitamin you used? Our 16 month old is getting pickier and pickier. The meals we have always made and she always liked (pasta, Mac and cheese, chicken any veggie etc) she no longer wants. She never took to eggs or much meat. Now she only wants fruit, some veggies, cottage cheese, yogurt, protein waffle with either banana or sweet potato on top, pbj if I’m lucky, toast with cream cheese and jelly if I’m lucky but that’s basically it. And it’s stressing me to tears! Reading this thread tho is making me feel a bit better. But still, I bawled this morning cus I feel like she’s just not getting enough. I’m feeling defeated. Sorry for the long comment I think I just needed to vent a little lol but yes if you could please tell me what multivitamin worked for you I would appreciate it
@dcannon I think there have been days when the only thing she has eaten are nutrigrain bars, which she calls breakfast bars. I was a super picky eater as a kid so I try to remember what it was like.
@ladyazrael Omg I love both of you. I have resorted to daily nature’s bakery fig bars, which used to only be a special car snack. I’ve felt terrible about it, but it’s nice to know I’m not alone here.
@ruanddrew My son is about to turn 4 and is just now beginning to open back up to trying new things. As a two year old and earlier everyone commented on what a great ester he was and he would try most things. I have a picture of him stuffing zucchini noodles with mushrooms and Alfredo sauce into his mouth for example. The last year and half or so has been absolute torture for me though as he turned down another and another of his former likes. I basically made pancakes or chicken nuggets for every day care lunch. Just the last month or so he is coming back out of it and I’m so grateful!

All that to say, it might just take time and keep offering different stuff ( in small amounts to reduce waste!)

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