Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

@nupreacher There was a user who claimed *unstated credentials* who posted a very niche study from Canada that started all that stuff. Basically lead to the sub only allowing discussion of bad outcomes for daycare under 3. I proposed that a study about something like that wouldn't necessarily provide absolute truths, and each kid is different and some might actually benefit from daycare under 3. She banned me (under some new rule she had just instated).
@strange1 That's insane as a generalization. Even from an anecdotal point of view, my super sociable 1 yr old has been in daycare 3 weeks and is way happier lol? And I'd love to read the discussion on that study, and also the methods used 🤔

As part of my degree, I had to read a lot of Education studies, and it's crazy how things we get taught as truths in education are based in really strange methodology and tiny sample sizes.
@kellyjk The issue there was that there was an issue with the sub being brigaded by pro-cosleepers who harassed people about it, who then turned out to be mostly multiple sockpuppets, and the mod posted so many anti-cosleeping posts to cause them to use their multiple sockpuppets so they could all be banned. Bizarre tactic but it worked and the conversations on baby sleep have been more levelheaded since.
@rewind2grace That wasn't what was happening in the sub though. What was happening was that anyone promoting safe sleep was getting downvoted and having people spew misinformation about the safety of bedsharing. It was tiring.
@rewind2grace I agree, but I also remember the sockpuckets who were harassing everyone who didn't feel comfortable about co-sleeping.

So, do I believe that co-sleeping can be done in a way that reduces risks? Yes.

But, if allowing discussion on co-sleeping ended up creating a lot of flamewars etc... Then getting rid of them might not have been a bad move.

That said, I do feel that the mod from that sub should have allowed other mods.
@tipsytopsy I once asked what about other cultures with sleeping arrangements that differ from the US, like using hard floor beds etc and I was told any such culture was inferior to the US. I felt that was kind of arrogant.
@christfollower1993 The moderator was slightly paranoid. She laid traps to “catch” people who were downvoting her and then banning commenters on the posts, convinced she was catching her downvoters. I was banned simply for commenting on one of her trap posts!

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