Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

@jinsun I don't think that was the science they were pointing at - do you have a link to yours? News to me. I thought they just formed secondary attachment with the daycare provider.
@tdsamuel There was a study conducted on daycares, I can’t remember where now, that came up a LOT on that sub. But it was actually a quite small sample size in another country (was it Canada?) with different social structures in place than the US. But trying to point out any of that would always get shut down.

Edit: I would be VERY careful about jumping to any conclusions based on that study or listening to other people trying to “sum up” the study’s findings.
@andrew1221 yeah, i would be surprised if there was any truth to that. i've also read the opposite — that daycare is great for children! anyway, so much parenting advice should be taken with many grains of salt
@tdsamuel Basically under a year has mixed outcomes that sort of offset for kids. I.e there’s a higher chance of behavioral issues but there’s better social / cognitive development

Like perfect world it’s ideal to have your kid at home for a year but it seems abundantly clear that having a good HOME for your kid to come home to from daycare, and picking a decent daycare makes so much more difference

But they had this weird cherry picked medium post that basically just eviscerates families who have to send their kids before 1 year, and it’s all quoting these random social surveys in non American countries and it’s all just laser focused on making tired moms upset. Really weird he behavior
@strange1 I don't know if this is allowed to be posted here, but when I saw this post it inspired me to make a new sub that will hopefully be...less combative? Anyway, if you're interested in helping build the community it's called r/parentingscience
@michele9618 No, there were a few other mods but i guess they werent active. I know bc a few days ago i kept reporting a user that was breaking sub rules name calling and being antagonistic toward another user and the mods never removed the comments or did anything about it.
@hurrix Beware, that sub is not and never was what it seemed. The owner and sole mod of that sub is perma-unhinged. She has banned countless people whenever she felt like it. And I don't mean problematic users, just anyone.

My case: got banned right after making valuable contributions to the sub. For daring to politely ask if she was considering adding more mods to her team (in her own stickied thread which she used to aggressively rant and threaten how hard her mod job is).

When you get banned, you get a message saying you can appeal to the mods. I just sent "Sad." and went on with my day.

In my 12 years on Reddit this was my first ban.

Apparently she reported that one word to the admins for targeted harassment and then I got a 3-day suspension from the whole of Reddit from the admins themselves.

Understandable. 🙄 Really threatened her there.

No doubt in my mind she'll reopen the sub with some unhinged drama for rationalization. Just beware of the deafening silence of censorship on /r/ScienceBasedParenting. You can start to notice it when you know to look.

Wanted to make my own related sub since then. Maybe now's the time.
@sandra142 The highlighted comment is the most important one that got removed.

Just silently deleting my time and effort like that is such an obvious sign of disrespect to the people who care, who make your sub a better place.

But I guess being respectful is a higher goal. 👍🏽

Anyways, in no way is this situation comparable to the /r/ScienceBasedParenting one. Just funny and sad.
@lzimmer Hey I just wanted to clarify - mods can't ban you from Reddit itself. If you received a 3 day ban it's because it was either ban evasion, or you did something more than just DM them one word. Admins will only issue bans if someone was harassing a mod (using threats and foul language) or continuously messaging them after being muted on the sub, etc., or if you evade a ban by going to the sub on a new acct.

I mod a small subreddit on another account and have seen the other side of this. We have no control over Reddit itself; that would be the admins.
@sunshine44u Hey there, you may have misread me.

Apparently she reported that one word to the admins for targeted harassment and then I got a 3-day suspension from the whole of Reddit from the admins themselves.

Can't be clearer in saying the suspension came from admins, right?

(I do know how every part of Reddit works, having been here for well over a decade.)

In the same vein, I stand behind what I said about the harassment part.