Daughter broke up with her boyfriend of 4 years & it’s like I’m going through a breakup.

@tam19922 Families like this are an absolute dream for horny young men who want no responsibility.

Mugs, is what I call them.

Let’s be honest, it’s not supporting. It’s cowardice. Sorry .

It is not difficult to say the guy is trash, see him if you want, don’t bring him here.

The guy needs a strong message.

You people have absolutely no balls. You will be walked all over in life with that attitude.

No consequences, do as you like, treat my daughter like dirt, because pleasing you and making her feel better is the most important thing.

It is very very easy not to stick your dick into other women.

There are thousands of men out there who don’t. You get one chance,

I promise you, he will do it again. And they will once again say “there there, I forgive you because I really don’t want to rock the boat”

Please someone get the father on the scene.

They could be married one day, with kids, and there’s potential he will Waltz off to a new family and leave her high and dry.

Why? They did not teach her to respect herself.
@msmistk0 It annoys me people are so weak, and they are actually sticking up for this guy by downvoting me.

The standard of parenting on this sub is disgusting. All over you if you accidentally gender something but guys cheating on their daughters and it’s “there there, never mind”

No wonder we have raised such a valueless and vapid generation.

Have some fking standards FFS.

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