Coparenting and Chores

@flowersmaywither That's a great list for kids that age! I have a 9 year old step son and a 6 year old step son. They were wanting more money for toys so we set up a chore system, too. We have the chores on those big popsicle sticks and each has a payment associated with it (they're .25 or .50 each). The chores are things like sweeping/mopping the kitchen, taking out the trash, feeding the chickens, collecting eggs, etc. When they have completed a chore, then they bring the popsicle stick to an adult and they get paid. If they don't feel like doing chores, then whatever, they just don't earn any money.

Cleaning up after themselves (picking up their toys, cleaning their room) is not a chore they get paid for, same with doing their own laundry (an adult helps with detergent) or cleaning the mess they make in the bathroom when they brush their teeth or clog the toilet. Those things are just part of being a responsible human.
@flowersmaywither Other than the laundry those are just very typical household responsibilities that are appropriate for kids to be doing at that age anyway. Laundry is a very good chore for a 10 year old, and by the looks of it you are leaving out folding which is the longest/hardest part. Let your ex rant, they’re being ridiculous. Teaching your kids to look after themselves is just responsible parenting.
@flowersmaywither 8 and 9 is old enough to learn some basic chores. It teaches the kids some responsibility plus the value of a dollar as they had to work for. And if it helps lighten the load on you a little as well, even better. Having them do it daily just reinforces the habit. These things they learn now will serve them well in the future. I can't tell you how many people I was in college with that didn't know how to wash clothes or cook for themselves but it was a lot.