I’m THIS close to giving up on coparenting

@megbot I had to actively train myself not to focus on it. I can control what I can control. I had to get a second job because he doesn't pay me anything (2 special needs kids) and I found that I may be tired but I LOVE my second job. I get to meet new people, focus on my task at hand, keep my mind off the BS and best of all...make money. Screw them. Don't let them own your brain.
@megbot I’ve managed for the most part to glaze over that shit. Sometimes I’ll just yellow rock and say “that’s nice” while picturing a stray dog looking for attention.

Ultimately my son is just so happy that he has both parents talking to each other and “getting along”. And I love that little f*cker. Just give yourself time and grace.
@megbot Therapy has been life changing and helped me reframe how I view this situation. Highly recommend. You don’t want to live a life of resentment.
@megbot Let him gloat. My ex did the same thing but what I know is that I bent over backwards so he would stay involved in our sons life. Letting him pick up on days that were mine so they could go to dinner with family even though he and his wife never let me do the same in return. I let him be involved and at first it was kind of forced but now he's actually a great dad to our son and he and his wife split up because she was controlling. We finally have the coparenting relationship I wanted, where things are laid back and easy going so I take pride in how good my son's relationship us with his dad. His dad is living with his mom in a run down apt but he's doing better than he has in a long time so he can gloat if he wants to.
@megbot You swallow the camels. Let him pick the apples on the tree that you cared for. There’s not much you can do.

I left my abusive boyfriend and father of my kids and kept my kids in my custody for 7 month. He was just granted supervised contact last week and i know when the time comes and he gets to have our kids in his custody and spent a few days with them, he’s Going to act like he did it all. That he helped raise these kids but in reality he didnt see them for over a year and the oldest is not even 3y/o. I cared for them, Got them into the right pre school/daycare, Got my oldest in an autism program to help him and i communicate properly and for me to understand. I took them from A-B, doctors appointments, was there when they were sick, when they cried for mommy. So when they grow up and they get to see their dad he’s Going to Pick the Apples from the garden that i cared for and i’m Going to let him because that’s Whats in the best interrest of my kids.