Can’t Lose the Damn Weight - 2 Years Postpartum

@dingo99 My toddler eats a variety of things, but enjoys things like pasta, burrito bowls, dumplings, and meatballs the most. She has been very small her whole life, so we try to feed her more calorie dense items. Good for you if your toddler will eat a piece of salmon and roasted veg and that’s a good meal for them. But that’s not the case for everyone.
@morirach Those things you listed are included in my list. Your posts do not make sense. We eat those things all the time too and I am eating a calorie deficient.

Edit: Don't mean to sound like a jerk btw, just being real with you like I would a friend.
@meenu She was asking a genuine question. There’s nothing wrong with eating things high in fat/sugar in moderation. But the poster stated they focus on protein/fruit/veggies/grains and OP seemed surprised that she could eat those things on a regular basis. Not once did she judge what her or her toddler eats.
@torolf She said in her post that she was trying to give her toddler foods higher in carbs and fat than she was looking to eat, and this post specifically calls out whole grains and healthy fats as things her toddler should be eating. We don’t know if this parent has a picky toddler whose accepted carbs and fats are things like mac and cheese. It comes across as implying that if you can’t eat what your toddler is eating then you are not feeding your toddler a healthy diet.
@morirach Yes, also carrying 20lbs that I just can’t lose. I’m an older Mom (late 30s) and have PCOS which makes weight loss difficult.

I have an aversion to calorie tracking, it’s not good for my mental health, so I’m just focused on moving my body daily and working on making my inner monologue kinder.
@morirach I lost the weight and more (I was overweight pre pregnancy) but my body is just different now, everything is wider (even my feet!) and squishier and softer. Three kids in two and a half years was hard on my body. I am just growing to accept that this is me now, and I don’t want to constantly be talking about losing weight in front of my daughters. I definitely eat differently than they do because when I eat pastas and carbs which my kids love I tend to gain quickly and I have little self control around carbs lol. So I’ll have a salad with protein or something with protein and veggies while they eat what they like. My house growing up was a constant state of diet talk and weight loss and it really affected me, so I feel like as long as we are healthy, and have a healthy relationship with food in our house I am learning to be ok with looking different after kids! It’s such a tough balance