Tiny sleep sacks and lose the swaddle NOW!

@benromana The Gro Company make the Gro Snug which we used from birth (~8lbs) until around 5 months. You can keep their arms in if they need the extra reassurance or just undo the poppers. The light version is super lightweight for the heat too. Hope it helps!
@benromana The Swaddle Me velcro swaddles are at target, Walmart, buy buy baby.... you can leave their arms out when you swaddle them. We used those for a while until we felt like they were ready to make the switch to sleep sacks
@benromana At about that age we used the ergo pouch cocoon sack/swaddle (0-3m is up to 15lbs so its small enough for your babe) and their butterfly cardigan to transition. We found that keeping the babies hands covered with fold over sleeves to help the transition. The free fingers were too tempting!
@benromana Zippadeezip is a good swaddle transition. They make small sizes. It’s safe for rolling babies and it’s cozy like a swaddle. Anything weighted like a Merlin poses a risk of trapping baby face down.
@vel I was going to recommend this, too. The extra small starts at 8 lbs and we used it last night for the first time and baby slept great! She was previously using the arms up Love to Dream swaddle.
@wiseisraelier we stuck with Love to Dream, and got the ones where you could zip off the wings one at a time. One arm up, one arm out for quite while, and then they were the sleep sack of choice as we let both arms out.
@kergulen Yes! That’s another reason why they like these swaddles so much. They can soothe themselves with their hands even when in the swaddle. I had to wash my babies hands as soon as she woke up in the morning. They would smell like cheese from all her sucking on the wings all night.
@kergulen I'm trying to remember... I assume he did, because he chewed (still chews) on everything, but I don't think it stuck out as something that had me concerned.
@r3form3d Hmm yeah the chewing is fine but then she rubs her face with the wings and it's irritating her face! Her cheeks are bright red and kinda splotchy after a snooze. Might have to find a different transition swaddle.
@wiseisraelier That’s exactly what we did. Love to Dream until he got close to rolling and then the zippadeezip. It was a smooth transition. I recommend the Love to Dream to everyone with a baby too young to roll, especially if they prefer having their hands up and keep breaking out of the arms down swaddle. I recommend the zippadeezip to everyone with a rolling baby. My two year old still sleeps in one. He’s in the largest size now. We’ll switch to a toddler bed and blanket next.
@benromana I looove Woolino. It’s for 2 months to 2 years. There are extra snaps to keep their little arms in and the. You can unsnap. Also you can use it from 2 months to 2 years and with all temperatures because it’s wool. It’s pricey but when it’s all said and done, cheaper than continuously buying them.
@benromana We used the Amazing Baby/Swaddle Designs transitional swaddles from birth and are still using them at 6 months. She can roll around in them but her arms are not restrained so that she can stabilize herself or flip if she wants to, and as a newborn it had just enough restraint to the sleeves to reduce the Moro reflex. They are sized from 0-3m and 3-6m.
@benromana We did that as well! More because I was afraid of her rolling over early she didn’t end up rolling over until 4 1/2 months but was in a zipadee at 10 weeks.

Edit: read too fast.... yes Zipadee from the sleeping baby is awesome. I wouldn’t get the smallest size then if your baby is 24 inches. Mine is 16 lbs and 26 inches in the medium size already.
@benromana The Love to Dream 50/50 is what we used to transition out of swaddles and it functions as a sleep sack but is still snug around their body. It’s like a 2 in 1 swaddle/sleep sack where you just unzip the arms. We also still wrapped our LO’s lower half so he felt that tightness from being wrapped, but had his arms free at first.
@jazzyd777 We used this one too, just went 100% arms out when it was time. I really liked it because it was nice and warm. All the other sleep sacks we've had have been pretty thin material. But our baby was pretty long too--24" at 2 months. And she grew too long for the sleep sack by about 4 months.

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