Can’t Lose the Damn Weight - 2 Years Postpartum

@morirach Yes… I enjoy food. I’m home on maternity leave and I’m tired from caring for a baby so when I get the opportunity to go for a run or powder walk the thought makes my tired eyeballs literally hurt. I’d much rather take a nap with the “free” time. BUT I hate how I look, nothing fits. I ordered summer clothes nothing fits. It’s so upsetting. I have to decide if I like snacks more than having my body back…
@morirach Intermittent fasting can be super helpful! I do OMAD personally, which works well for me, but there are lots of ways to do it and you can choose whatever eating window works best for you
@lordiben I love intermittent fasting! I’ve been doing it for years (stopped while pregnant). I aim first 18 hrs fasting, 6 hrs eating but usually ends up 17:7. 15 yrs ago I lost and kept of 70lbs doing calorie counting but now I like intermittent fasting for maintenance.
@morirach Yep. The only thing that has worked for me is medication. I’ve lost 60 pounds so far on phentermine. About 20 to go until pre-pregnancy weight.

Regarding the shape though, that is forever different, at least for me. My hips are much wider and my rib cage is a little wider too. And even though I’ve lost weight fairly slowly, there’s sagging and stretch marks. These things don’t bother me much and are definitely worth feeling better and having more energy.
@morirach Hang in there! It's slow and steady, especially with each subsequent baby. I just last night pulled out a tote of summer clothes that I last fit into summer of 2020. My youngest turns 3 in a few weeks! Now that I can fit in them, I'm finally ready to donate most of them lol

I have had my mom's example to follow, women in my family just hold onto weight. We're all medium tall and pear shaped. But it's going to be a life long habit of watching what I eat. I've been aware, but not disordered, about my eating habits since high school.

For family dinners I substitute my sides. So while everybody else is having Mac n chz with their chicken and green beans, I'll have an extra serving of green beans or a handful of spring mix I keep handy in the fridge. But if it's something special or something I really love, I'll splurge. My kids will never see me pass on cheesecake or loaded mashed potatoes. But I have no cravings for pasta or regular cake at all.

I've very basically explained to my kids about caloric needs and healthy food habits, without associating it with body image. It's a good thing for them to learn. I think it's a hard lesson many college kids and young adults have to learn once their metabolisms slow down and then they get a lot of weight gain.
@morirach This was me 18 months ago, my daughter turned 2 and I was 40 lbs above my pre pregnancy weight, and I was overweight before I got pregnant. Finally got fed up and went on Mounjaro, lost 100 lbs so easily and quickly, I mean it fell off of me. In addition to helping me eat less, I really feel like it helped regulate my body and get me back to "normal". I'm back in the size I wore 15 years ago, and am able to maintain relatively easily now that the weight is off. Obviously you don't have nearly as much weight to lose, but it can be a helpful (and expensive!) tool.
@katrina2017 Yes I take a shot every 2-3 weeks. Helps keep the cost down and maintain now that I'm at goal weight... it really was like a miracle drug for me.
@katrina2017 there used to be a coupon that allowed me to get it for $25/month (the good old days, hah!). now i pay $500 for 4 shots, which lasts me 2-2.5 months. it's definitely not cheap though, and my insurance does not cover it since i am not overweight any longer. i was lucky, zero side effects.
@morirach I count calories, use a food scale, go on walks and don't eat the toddlers food (😆). Focusing on protein, veggies, fruit, healthy fats, and whole grains helps my blood sugar stabilize when reducing intake. I log everything - including bites of toddler food. Sometimes I eat a small portion of what they are eating + veg. You get used to it after a while.

R/CICO can help you get started
@jblazy I’m not asking to be rude or anything just genuinely curious. You’re happy eating this way? Or it’s more important to you to look and feel slim than to eat more “enjoyable” food? I’m trying to figure out what I care more about. I’m not an unhealthy weight by any means, just not looking good the way I remember I did.
@morirach Not the person you asked, but I am sort of like this. I am pretty careful about my food intake and I exercise pretty frequently (4-5 mile runs 4x a week). For me, the exercise is really important for my mental health, and to be honest, feeling confident and like I “look good” is also important for my mental health. I’ve never been overweight and not depressed… so staying slim is necessary for me to not be depressed. So the effort is worth it for me. I still see a therapist but I can be off of medication if I’m exercising and eating well.
@morirach I have high cholesterol and my family has a history of heart issues and diabetes. Being around for my child is more important to me. Besides, with CICO I get to eat literally anything I want, just in moderation.

Also, I was spending so much negative energy when I was extremely overweight: feeling guilty and bad about myself. I couldn't walk up stairs! Yes, all bodies can be healthy, but mine was clearly not. Counting calories and being mindful of my food is so much better for my mental health - I spend more positive energy vs. negative. I'm more confident. My anxiety is better managed with cardio exercise.

Being overweight is normalized. I'm happy at the top end of normal on the BMI chart. BMI is definitely not everything and I don't want to have to avoid pizza for the rest of my life to be 135 either 😂 It's all about balance!

Also, knowing it's easier to indulge at maintenance and adjust throughout the week. Losing weight is not forever. I choose to have maintenance days over cheat days. I eat back half my exercise calories currently. Once I'm at maintenance that gives me a ton of flexibility!
@jblazy I just want to say good job and you’re amazing for doing all this to be healthy and being around for your child.

Most people in my family are tall and slim with no history of issues. My own mom is built like a stick figure, we have totally different body types and she unknowingly body shames me all the time.
@morirach Confused at what your toddler is eating if not protein, veggies, fruit, healthy fats, and whole grains? what does dinner look like at your house? Everything in moderation but that's a pretty normal list of items. Chicken/steak/fish on the grill, roasted vegs, rice/sweet potato/pasta/roasted potatoes, etc. These foods are very enjoyable if cooked and seasoned properly.