Tiny sleep sacks and lose the swaddle NOW!

@vel It’s safe for rolling babies - just not safe for babies who can roll in the suit which usually starts happening around 6-9 months
@vel We don’t use the Merlin because my baby likes to move around and I think she would have hated it, but I appreciate this article. I would have not considered the risk of flat spots!
@wiseisraelier Anything that holds baby in one position for long periods ups your risk of flat spots. Too much time in a swing or bouncy chair can do it too. The potential for overheating concerns me more though because of the increase in SIDS risk. Baby at least can’t die from a flat spot. A lot of these “miracle” products have a safety issue or create a bigger problem down the road when you have to wean an older baby off of sleeping in a rock n play, weighted suit, etc. For example, all the moms who swore by these products in my FB due date group were all desperately posting looking for solutions when their baby grew out of them around the same time and couldn’t sleep any other way. It’s better to bite the bullet and work on safe, sustainable sleep practices from the start. That’s what we did. I slowly reformed a terrible sleeper. It was really hard but he was sleeping like a champ at 7 months so it was totally worth it.
@vel There is definitely a way to use the product safely and a way not to use it. What works for you may not work for others, but that is awesome cold turkey and time worked for your baby.
@vel I bought the Merlin suit and it’s a pain. It didn’t work for us. The suit has to fit JUST RIGHT for it to work and shoving those tiny limbs into the holes turned my baby into an angry yellow oven mitt.

It’s hard to change diapers too. The material is pretty cool even though it doesn’t look like it but honestly I thought it was a waste of money. 🤷🏻‍♀️
@wiseisraelier This chart helped me a lot. We also got a little digital thermometer for the nursery. 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit is the ideal temp for lowering SIDS risk. We use a ceramic space heater or a window unit AC depending on the time of year so we can keep the nursery in that range without heating or cooling the whole house to that temp. https://images.app.goo.gl/3ZvyrLPRtD7Bnqqw8

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