Can’t Lose the Damn Weight - 2 Years Postpartum

@morirach It’s sooo different after a kid. Pre-kid I kept myself on the low end of the BMI normal spectrum with not that much effort. Post kid all those things have barely made a dent. I suspect a combo of stress hormones, less sleep, slightly less ideal diet (because of time constraints), and muscle mass lost during pregnancy and postpartum play a role.

I’m making progress now my running/walking/ or jogging 4 miles as many days of the week I can (ideally 7) and doing a combo of Pilates and weight training. Really tightened up the diet, it’s a struggle because the default foods are not the healthiest when out & about.

What hasn’t worked for me, in spite of trying over & over again is eating very high protein. This advice is everywhere, but I never lose any weight doing this. I instead focus on high fiber, as many bright colored fruits & veg I can squeeze in, and minimal processed food.