Can’t get baby’s legs into an M


New member
FTM and probably missing a lot of knowledge 😅 my baby doesn’t want to put her legs in an M whatsoever. Trying to use the Solly wrap and it’s really hard to get her to unscrunch so I can pull her little legs out. Is there a trick to this? Do some baby’s just not like that position? Maybe she needs to be older? She’s 8lbs exactly. TIA!
@shyivee How old is baby? When they’re still all scrunched up, newborn wearing can look a little different - their knees don’t necessarily need to be widespread if they are up above their bum. Can you post a fit check? Here is an article with some visuals on what shapes you’re looking for - they change through the months.
@chriatopher Yes when they’re really tiny their knees can be between them and the wearer, that’s fine as long as their knees are higher than their butt and their back is supported in a good shape.
@shyivee Don’t unscrunch. Get her in the X and where you want her in your chest then encourage her to have her knees up (which she likely does). Then carefully mold the wrap around her. Make sure her feet are out of the X passes but it is ok if her feet are touching each other under her bum or if her knees are touching or even under her torso.

You can do the hug hold/pocket cross carry where the wrap is folded in half and her feet are in BUT it is extremely important that her belly be toward you and her spine be in line with yours. People tend to tuck baby into the pocket with their spine towards the fold, this can easily put baby into a chin to chest position. Also you have to try to keep the weight off their feet.

Some videos

Don’t love this hold but this is one of the better examples, though the second cross could have been spread more like the others. And I would do a pelvic tuck and check their feet before bringing the horizontal pass up

@dantecak thank you so much, I’ll watch these! I’ll have to experiment. I don’t think the hug hold is something I want to try given your warning (ftm anxiety is tough 🫠)