C section aftercare: a warning

@kellygok I'm bracing for my 4th and final c-section and reading this reminds me of the pain!! It wasn't as painful as just really uncomfortable. I agree 100% with remembering to take your mess, unless you want every step to feel like your insides are falling out. I walked hunched over for a couple of days to not stretch the incision and ended up with awful back and shoulder pain. What have I done you guys, why am I doing this for a 4th time??!! 😂
@kellygok And when the doctor says "don't life anything heavier than your own baby for the first 6-10 weeks", dont take that as a light suggestion and then go and help your partner lift a 45kg cot into a trailer and carry it up the driveway 3 weeks postpartum
@kellygok Couldn't agree more!! I'm a big rule follower and dr told me to take Tylenol every 8 hours and mortin every 6 hours so as soon as we got home from the hospital, I set alarms on my phone for each dose I needed to take. My pain tolerance is pretty low so I did NOT want to miss a dosage. (4 weeks post op)
@kellygok I’m going to be having my third csection this May and despite the fact that the last one was 3 years ago, I can remember exactly how it feels so acutely.
@kellygok Im 28 weeks and not sure if I'll be doing c sec or vaginal yet. We'll see! But for all you that have had a csec, my dermatologist told me years ago one of the best scar repair methods is silicone tape/silicone patches. A brand new is scar away. It works super well!

Also, what dosage of ibuprofen/tylenol are you on? Like RX grade?
@kellygok I can not fathom how you do it. I had an abdominoplasty to repair my diastassis when my youngest was 10 months old, and it took a solid month to recover. I can not fathom tending to a newborn after a surgery like that.
@kellygok Yes! I haven’t had a c-section but had a cyst removed from my ovary, endometriosis cut out, and my appendix removed. I can only assume a c-section hurts worse. I had an alarm set for every 3 hours to alternate ibuprofen and acetaminophen and another one for the oxy for the first couple of days. Keeping ahead of the pain is the most important step. If you start feeling a lot of pain you’re behind it and it’s going to take some time to get in front of it again.
@kellygok Omg at least its not just me who forgot 🙉🙈

I was literally in tears trying to bend into the pack n play bassinet when my husband took the reigns and made me stay in bed a full day, with meds TIMED 😵
@kellygok Yes! I have now learned this lesson several times. The Medisafe app has been great for managing the crazy amount of pills/supplements/vitamins I am on after birth.
@kellygok Hell yes. Those meds are absolutely necessary!! I set my alarms for each one. One was every 6 hours and one was every 4. I set alarms. I did not give a SHIT that one was at 2 am. Meds are awesomeeee
@kellygok Thank you for sharing! I have a question about the meds. I will likely have a csection as I’m at risk for preclampsia. Are you able to breastfeed when taking oxy? How long do you take it after leaving the hospital?
@zonn I’m unsure about how long to take it post-delivery since everyone’s pain tolerance and recovery are different. I plan on babying the shit out of myself and taking it as long as I feel I need since I’m the type to power through, hernia’s be damned. But with a little one to care for, that mindset needs to take a backseat.

As far as safety, it 100% is okay to take while breastfeeding.
@kellygok Ibuprofen shouldn’t be taken 4 hourly but 6 hourly, it also can irritate the stomach lining in long term use. Note the dosage can vary unlike paracetamol and should be 1.2g a day unless specified by your clinician. Paracetamol should be taken 4 hourly up for 4g a day.