@polarbearwear Oh dear I am so sorry. I had no intention of scaring anyone and I truly apologize. The
only reason this moment is painful for me is because I forgot to take medicine like I was supposed to. I did the big dumb. If you remember your meds, this moment of peril can be avoided.
Overall, my induction and subsequent c section were not nearly the horrifyingly painful events I expected. The section felt suuuuper weird but it didn’t hurt at all. The worst part was I threw up once on the table since I was still technically going through transition labor. Which in itself was not very painful at all, just made me nauseous.
Yes, having a c-section has resulted in me being sore in places I did not expect to be sore. But the last few days have been better than bearable with great nurses looking after me to make sure I took meds when I needed.
I promise you if you end up with a c-section, it will be alright and you can do it.
Honestly I feel like I got the easy way out with not having to push a baby out of my vagina. It was a beautiful moment that I will treasure for the rest of my life and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Best of luck on your journey. If you have any questions at all about what may be expected with a c-section, you are welcome to DM me and I’ll give you all the deets and encouragement you may need