Baby is 1 and a half and I haven’t had a period yet. Anyone else? Does it have to do with nutrition?

@olivemcr Thankfully my supply hadn't completely dried up when we chose to restart.

I didn't get any professional support with this but we started offering boob before and after the formula and then slowly reduced the amount of formula we were offering. I also pumped a few times a day to try and increase it again.

We're now at 90% breast and solids. We suspect a cows milk allergy that was causing massive problems with formula milk. We're on a wait list to have it checked.
@olivemcr I'd say it's cos he's still nursing at night. I've been taking Vitex for about 5 weeks. And baby suddenly magically started sleeping all night 2 weeks ago (don't want to jinx it), but yea, period came back last Saturday! I'm delighted cos we have started trying for baby number 3. My boys is 1. But yea, I put it down to the night time 😬🤞🙈
@olivemcr I heard that if you have completely weaned baby like 0 breastfeeding, and your period hasn’t come back within 3 months, that’s when you should go doctor and get hormone levels checked and scan of ovaries.
@olivemcr Mine came back at around 20 months I think!
EDIT I think the amount of night feeds might make a difference. My son always woke up every 1-3 hours until he was around 18 months, then started doing stretches more between 2-4 hours. My periods then got more regular when he consitently did 4 hour stretches overnight. And now I"m pregnant again lol.
@olivemcr I didn’t get mine with my second until she was 26 months lol with my first it came back at 18 months pp. both times were 2 months after weaning!
@olivemcr Mine only came back once I had completely stopped breastfeeding. I wanted to have another baby and hadn’t got my period so I weaned my daughter at 15 months. It then came back at 16 months and I got pregnant that cycle.
@olivemcr I’m a similar age to you and it took 18 months for my period to come back. It was a couple of months after dropping breastfeeding as a food source (still feed to sleep for naps).
@olivemcr Mine came back at 15 months postpartum. My gyno had told me if I wanted to have another baby I needed to stop nursing and I now realize that was false. I asked a midwife about this last week when I gave birth to #2 and she told me what the gyno said is not true. She said it's the time between sessions that is the key. So if you're nursing less frequently and more time passes between nursing sessions, it won't play as big of a role in conceiving/ovulating. Drs need to learn from the midwives...
@olivemcr Are you breast feeding? According to my gyno if you exclusively breastfeed the first year it’s guaranteed effective birth control. And yes you will not get a period