Baby is 1 and a half and I haven’t had a period yet. Anyone else? Does it have to do with nutrition?

@olivemcr 20 months pp for my first, 18 months with my second, 21 months pp with my third and nothing yet. Third kid nurses maximum twice a day/night for like 5 minutes each time.

I wouldn't be worried. I do admittedly run underweight, so that might be a factor for me personally
@olivemcr Hello. I didn’t have a period until about 2 years 5 months (about a month after I nightweaned). Still breastfeeding during the day, I have a complete boob monster for a child.

Downside of night-weaning…I’ve put 4kg on in the last few months!

I think you’ve absolutely nothing to worry about.
@olivemcr I'm 16mo and no period over here either. He does nurse for 3 decent feeds during the day and a couple overnight and I'm assuming that's why, though. No particular interest in trying to change the amount he nurses really so I'm just gonna let it ride.

Means I can't experience 2 under 2 I guess 🤣
@jojo2 I wonder if it has any emotional root, thinking of two under two is a bit horrifying to me. Maybe body was aware and is holding off on ovulating until two kids actually seems fun.
@olivemcr I didn't get my period back until my son was completely weaned, even when he only nursed once or twice a day. After he was weaned, I got pregnant in 2 months. Lots of women can't get pregnant while breastfeeding and that's completely healthy and normal.
@olivemcr Mine took 7 months to come back after I stopped breastfeeding completely at 18 months, my daughter had just turned 2. I was so confused too, but wasn't in a hurry anyway. It came back so different from pre pregnancy too, extremely regular, light, and lots of cramps. It's been a year tho and I'm pregnant with #2 now, so I'm glad I won't have it for another good while now 😂
@olivemcr I got mine back at 19 months pp, and I knew it was coming because 2 weeks before, I had obvious ovulation signs, and it was extremely tender & painful for LO to nurse for a few days. I always took multivitamins and ate whatever I wanted which was enough to support lactation and maintain weight, so I doubt nutrition has anything to do with it. It's probably mostly hormones.

Edit to add that around 18 months is when I stopped pumping at work and just nursing as needed at home, so my supply did take a dip. A few months before I stopped pumping, I was only getting a couple oz each pump session.
@olivemcr My youngest son was born June 2021 and I didn’t get a period till Jan 2023. He nursed a LOT. It was around a year with my other kids also. Except with my eldest, it was like 6weeks PP with her. But nursing was a big struggle with her.
@olivemcr My little one is 12 mo now, and there's still no sign of my period. Still nursing a lot, including at night, which I gather contributes.
@olivemcr I didn’t get mine back until 17mo with my first and 16mo with my second. La leche league says most return by 18 mo ish. I would be concerned, especially if you are still nursing frequently. The hose hormones hold off your period from starting.
@olivemcr It has to do with the frequency at which he’s nursing. When I weaned my first down to nighttime and nap time, I ovulated and had a bleed. Then didn’t ovulate again for almost another 3 months and got pregnant
@olivemcr I think it’s probably the amount of nursing, that will affect your hormones. Especially the overnight nursing. Your body is probably just getting the message you still have a small child who needs your attention… best not make any babies yet! My period has t really returned yet and my little one is around 18 months
@lostsoul2010 Yeah, we cosleep and nurse on demand so it makes sense… it’s strange that that message doesn’t always happen, though. The new moms with a one month old still have a tiny baby to take care of, and some get their period back that early. Humans are weird.
@olivemcr I know it’s so strange how some mums menstruate when EBF a tiny baby and some needs to fully wean to begin again. I noticed my period returned when I night weaned and she slept better.
@lostsoul2010 We are a diverse species! I think a wider spacing is in line with my ideas and capabilities as a parent, so I’m ok with it. It would suck (who knows, maybe it wouldn’t?) to force weaning to get ovulation back sooner…
@olivemcr I know a few people who have done that. I’m still BF at 20 months but I had a super high needs baby/toddler (though like all toddlers are high needs 😂) so I wasn’t really able to have a small gap.