Baby is 1 and a half and I haven’t had a period yet. Anyone else? Does it have to do with nutrition?

@olivemcr It’s all so random. I am an oversupplier, removing milk 8-12 times a day for the first 3 months and I still got my period back at 4 months. It makes no sense haha
@olivemcr With my first, it didn’t come back until baby went to daycare at 18 months. I’m 14 months postpartum with my second and no period and my baby stays at home.
@danielbeck I’m also 14 months pp with no period in sight (though I am very anxious that it’s going to surprise me one day). It’s been almost 2 years since I had a period!!

Do tampons expire?
@olivemcr I’m 19 months pp and no period yet. I’m still nursing 1-2 times overnight, and maybe three times during the day.

I am also 40 and had a salpingectomy, so maybe that has something to do with it? With my first, who is 14 now, I never had a period and got pregnant when he was nine months old
@olivemcr With my first I breastfed until 2.5 years old and even after I stopped it took a while for my period to return. I also at the time wondered if I was ok, but my doctor said it's normal.
@olivemcr I’m turning 15 months, exclusively pumping and only at 10 hour intervals. I don’t think I’m ovulating either as I never get any mucus-y discharge. I’m not complaining. I’m looking to slowly wean-ish, maybe I’ll be done in a month and a half. We’ll see! One of the biggest reasons why I’m doing the slow wean is I’m enjoying being period-less. 😂 I will admit to googling incessantly if this is normal even if all literature point to yes. It’s nice to know I’m not alone and I’m not the only one wondering if it’s normal.
@olivemcr In some people any amount of breastfeeding will prevent them from ovulating and thus from having a period. There’s nothing wrong, you’re just likely more sensitive to the prolactin you’re producing that disruptions ovulation. I EP’d with my first only pumping 3x a day and didn’t ovulate until I weaned. Nothing wrong, it’s just what my body does.
@olivemcr Mine came back at 4 weeks postpartum (I was exclusively breastfeeding too). The audacity of my ovaries thinking I was ready to ovulate again.
My midwives told me that even with breastfeeding your body also has its own clock and it's very dependent on your own personal hormone levels. Even with regular milk removal some women will get it back right away, some take up to two years, and everything in-between.
@olivemcr Mine never came back after my daughter, I got pregnant with my son 12.5-13mo pp. He’s 4mo now and no sign of return. One of my friends said she didn’t get hers until she weaned at 18ish months. Other friends had theirs at 6wk and 6mo pp.

Funny enough, I’m the only one out of all four who supplemented. Which supposedly makes it more likely I’d have been the one to get it back earlier
@olivemcr Mine didn't return until 3 months after I completely stopped nursing. I went to 9 months exclusively breastfeeding, but as I'd returned to work, my supply tanked and I was rapidly drying up, so I had to switch to my freezer stash, the formula at the very tail end.

The week of his 1st birthday, 3 months later, is when it returned. I think for some women, your body just doesn't kickstart the hormonal tango it takes to rev up the ol' plumbing until it's suuuuure you're "done-done" lol.
@olivemcr 13 months pp and still no sign of it. Baby eats lots of solids, but nurses frequently throughout the day and night. Basically on demand 24/7. Sometimes I think it’s coming because I am starting to feel different, but it’s been a no show.