Baby is 1 and a half and I haven’t had a period yet. Anyone else? Does it have to do with nutrition?

@olivemcr I didn’t get mine back until 6 weeks after my last nursing session, when my first was 14 months old. My new baby is almost 10 months old and I haven’t had my cycle return; my ObGyn said it probably won’t come back until I wean. Apparently everyone’s hormones work differently and some of us just don’t menstruate while lactating. I’m enjoying the clear skin and no cramps while it lasts!
@olivemcr It was the same for me with my first, around a year and a half, but it came back after 6 months with my second. I wish I got a year and a half again, it was bliss.
@olivemcr 16 months and no signs of a period. We still nurse frequently and I don’t see it changing anytime soon. I wouldn’t mind trying for another baby but also not ready to wean at all.
@olivemcr Currently on my first pp period after 10 months 🫠 With my first it took 13 months (I was 34). Both babies slept/sleep long stretches at night but baby #2 is a muuuch better eater of solids!
@olivemcr My son is a year and a half and I only just got my period back two weeks ago. I think it’s because we have gone down to two boobs in a 24 hour period.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you. It’s just that our bodies are probably more sensitive to the hormones.

I also had a second lot of postpartum hair loss a month before my period came.
@elmadsahel If I wanted to have a second already, I’d imagine it would be stressful. I kind of miss ovulating because my sex drive is still way lower than pre-pregnancy. But other than that, it’s alright
@olivemcr I'm the same age and currently 14m PP without a period. I recently requested a blood test from my GP to make sure I wasn't deficient in anything, but my GYN said she wasn't concerned. She did say though that more than two years without a period could potentially increase the long term risk of osteoporosis.
@olivemcr This was me. I actually got super underweight fast after birth with breastfeeding. However all my blood/vitals were fine and I had a great supply. I DEFINITELY ate.

I even did two rounds of progesterone to try to jump start a cycle. We really needed to have kid 2 fast bc of my age (F38 - 39 in March). We were getting worried.

By 19 months so sign of a period but I was super super sick…took a test and wow! Surprise! Pregnant again with never getting a period. Conceived on my first ovulation cycle.

So long story short, it would’ve come back around 20 months had I not gotten pregnant.
Never felt any ovulation pain or cramps the way I used to regularly before. 🤷🏻‍♀️??

If you have time and everything looks good then enjoy no cycle!
@paradoxum Wow, interesting! A lot of people I have spoken with weaned in three days, probably because they had already wound down a bit from a full supply. But you started bf after a bigger gap? How did that impact your supply? Did you have to relactate?