Anyone use cloth baby wipes?

@dobsonsdogs I use the little microfiber face towels and wet them with a water bottle when on the go. When at home, each and every poop gets washed off in the sink immediately/asap. They get washed with bleach and I typically have to run it through two wash cycles to get all the poop out. I have never used a wet-wipe on the baby because the only way to make a wet wipe is to include antibacterial chemicals which will be bad for the natural bacteria on the skin. We also don’t use diapers so we have never once had any kind of butt rash or diaper rash but that being said the microfiber towels are pretty soft so I’d bet it would be ok. I lightly apply Vaseline after each wash/wipe. It makes it easier for the next poop to come off as well.
@dobsonsdogs I love cloth wipes! I can use one to two cloth wipes instead of like 4 or 5 disposables. I bought a bunch of flannel on sale at joanns and cut them into squares and serged/stitched the edges. They get washed with the diapers. Love them!
@dobsonsdogs We use cloth wipes and I even switch to cloth toilet paper haha. You don’t have to buy new ones either, you can cut up an old towel or if you’re not using burp cloths or baby washcloths anymore
@dobsonsdogs We use cloth wipes. We cloth diaper so I just throw them in with the diaper wash, no big deal. I got a mix of birds-eye and terry-cloth wipes from Green Mountain Diapers. I know other parents like using flannel sheets cut to size and hemmed to stop them from unraveling. I store them dry. If need a wet wipe I'll just moisten one with some water from the hospital peri bottle I keep in my changing station. I've never found I needed to use soap or anything else.
@dobsonsdogs Cloth wipes (especially soft flannel fabric) are also better for really sensitive skin. My son cannot tolerate disposable wipes, he gets a rash every time (even at 2 yo). Cloth wipes are the only option for him.

If your baby has normal skin, you can use small washcloths. They are super cheap too.
@dobsonsdogs Love our cloth wipes. We use a combo of Esembly cotton and the Buttons brand flannel ones. Buttons are cheaper, and I find I prefer the flannel for baby's sensitive skin, just seems softer. Cleaning them was super super easy while EBF. Now that she is on solids too, we use disposable for poops since it can be harder to clean the solid/bf combo poop off.
@dobsonsdogs I use disposable diapers and cloth wipes. I really like them, they clean better and I like knowing it's just plain water. I usually use toilet paper to get the worst of the poo off and finish with a cloth wipe. I can usually just wash the wipes as they are bc there's just a little bit of stuff on there. If they're really gross I'll rinse them first.
@dobsonsdogs Yes, I use grovia organic cloth wipes and love them. I wash them with my cloth diapers. Super simple!

I keep them in a wipe warmer, and I keep them in filtered water with a drop of tea tree oil (to kill the germies). I feel like a crazy hippie influencer saying all of this but it really has been incredibly easy/sustainable/etc and I’ve done it for 1.5 years.
@dobsonsdogs I'm on kid number 3 in cloth diapers, I've always used cloth wipes as well, I bought about 200 cheap face cloths when my twins were born.

Yesterday I was at the shops and bub pooped a monster poop. I realised I had an emergency diaper in the car but no wipes, so grabbed a pack of huggies wipes. This poop would have normally taken 2, maybe 3 cloth wipes to clean up, it took 9 disposable wipes. Edit: oh and bub has a rash today because she's allergic to aloe and it's in everything, even the hypo-allergenic "just water (and preservatives)" wipes we grabbed.
@dobsonsdogs When i got into cloth diapering I found a package of “reusable paper towel” on Amazon made of spun non-woven fluffy stuff they marketed as bamboo. they’re basically like thicker disposable wipes. They wash fine and are easy because I don’t have bags of dirty wipes to put in the garbage- just one wash bag with all my kitchen rags, diapers and wipes. When they come out all fluffy and dry I stuff them into one of those fancy kleenex box covers and store them near where I do changes. I used a little spray bottle of water mixed with body oil to wet them a bit if needed. If I had to do it again I’d just get a thrifted flannel sheet/ old receiving blankets and cut it up. Wipes don’t need to be super organic or fancy. They don’t even need hemmed edges. They contact your baby’s bum for mere seconds. The money folks want for fancy wipes is astounding. Up-cycling is the way!
@dobsonsdogs I did! Now kiddo is 7 and I still use the wipes and liners for all kinds of clean up. We even use wipes for handkerchiefs. They've always been washed in hot water so no concerns about germs.
@dobsonsdogs I don’t cloth diaper but I bought a bunch of wash-clothes and I just run them under warm water in the bathroom next to where I change him. I have a plastic bucket with a lid that I call the poop cloth bucket. Surprisingly there is no smell from it. I do a load of just the cloths whenever the bucket gets filled. When I am consistent about using the cloths versus the wipes for number twos, there are no rashes
@dobsonsdogs I loved cloth wipes! I compiled a TON (Like prob 40 or more)! I used a combo of baby wash cloths from Dollar Tree, flannel Gerber brand wipes I found at Walmart, and some flannel cloth I bought on clearance at the fabric store (just used pinking sheers to cut 4x4 squares…no sewing!) My little one had horrible diaper rashes and this help heal her up, so I just stuck with it.

So it was a little easier before solid foods (I used formula)….
I just kept a little container of water on the changing table, soaked the wipe, squeezed out the excess and wiped away! I just threw the wipes in a wet bag and washed every 2-3 days. At first I was following every recommendation for washing cloth diapers and wipes, but I found not over thinking it and just washing in warm water with Original Tide worked fine.

After solid foods…
The wipes were waaaaay more stinky, so I washed more frequently. If I was using disposable diapers, I would use clean part of the diaper to wipe the big poop first. Then use the wipes to clean up. Also, my wash method (or lack thereof) left stains on the white wipes.

I kept disposable wipes on hand because every once in a while there are poop-catastrophes.

As for travel, I usually used disposable wipes, but I did try using a spray bottle to moisten the wipes as needed worked fine.
@dobsonsdogs I just used a cheap pack of baby cloths, since we had about a zillion of them. I put them in a container with a cup of water, and a tablespoon each of vegetable oil and Castile soap. They worked so much better than disposable wipes, and just went in the laundry with the cloth diapers.
@dobsonsdogs I just cut up receiving blankets because we never swaddled. They fray a little in the beginning but it stops. Cheap and easy. Toss them in the wash with the cloth diapers.
@dobsonsdogs I have them from a brand called Cheeky Wipes. Flannel or bamboo, come with a plastic container in which I keep them wet. For out and about I put them wrung out into a small wetbag and add water from my bottle if needed. Works really well, no rashes ever.

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